I have a question about modification of temporal social network data. I am currently working on allyNet data of Cranmer et al. (2012) on international military alliances. (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/xergm.common/index.html)
This network data consists of military alliance formation of 164 countries between 1980-200 and every year has an adjacency matrix of 164x164.
I want investigate the data by dividing it into 4-time intervals but I could not manage to do it.
Is there anyone can help me?
It's hard to give a useful answer to this type of question without a reproducible example, called a reprex. It would be necessary to guess at the data structure. In this case, however, reprex doesn't play nice with the code.
I've had to guess that you mean the allyNet list in the alliances dataset in the package. If that is the case, it is a list of lists, or allyNet[1] ... .