Dear all,
can someone help me to add a legend to a SMA regression scatter plot?
Thanks a lot.
I think we need to see your code and some sample data. See
FAQ Asking Questions
A handy way to supply some sample data is the dput() function. In the case of a large dataset something like dput(head(mydata, 100)) should supply the data we need. Just do dput(mydata) where mydata is your data. Copy the output and paste it here between
This is the output (C_N is SMA regression result).
C_N <- sma (formula = BG ~ NAG_Ure*ID, data = ratios, method = "SMA", multcomp = TRUE, multcompmethod="adjusted", slope.test=1)
structure(list(coef = list(A = structure(list(coef(SMA)
= c(-16.4783566634032,
2.31667664004903),lower limit
= c(-31.5249632736842, 1.19442543034617
),upper limit
= c(-1.43175005312227, 4.49336603038784)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("elevation",
"slope")), B = structure(list(coef(SMA)
= c(-16.7172877795454,
2.4150757145656),lower limit
= c(-33.4088614103715, 1.17057862100591
),upper limit
= c(-0.0257141487193131, 4.98265610051247)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("elevation",
"slope")), C = structure(list(coef(SMA)
= c(-20.6812822359815,
2.86655548963229),lower limit
= c(-40.2483805457997, 1.41568434262168
),upper limit
= c(-1.11418392616329, 5.80435915532122)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("elevation",
"slope")), S = structure(list(coef(SMA)
= c(10.6634573155724,
-0.86690663793705),lower limit
= c(5.31557699404069, -1.82308287806328
),upper limit
= c(16.0113376371041, -0.412228718695274)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("elevation",
"slope"))), nullcoef = list(structure(c(-4.4792232817, 1, NA,
NA, NA, NA), dim = 2:3), structure(c(-4.3330740463, 1, NA, NA,
NA, NA), dim = 2:3), structure(c(-4.0428534861, 1, NA, NA, NA,
NA), dim = 2:3), structure(c(-3.448684813, 1, NA, NA, NA, NA), dim = 2:3)),
commoncoef = list(LR = 6.2870121761651, p = 0.0984514776778647,
b = 2.0475639879336, ci = c(1.40265157613173, 2.95065169198971
), varb = 0.116696344798676, lambda = 4.19251828468254,
bs = structure(c(2.31667664004903, 1.19442543034617,
4.49336603038784, 2.4150757145656, 1.17057862100591,
4.98265610051247, 2.86655548963229, 1.41568434262168,
5.80435915532122, -0.86690663793705, -0.412228718695274,
-1.82308287806328), dim = 3:4, dimnames = list(c("slope",
"lower.CI.lim", "upper.CI.lim"), c("A", "B", "C", "S"
))), df = 3), commonslopetestval = list(LR = 19.111399613096,
p = 0.00074730748838292, b = 1, ci = NA, varb = NA, lambda = 1,
bs = structure(c(2.31667664004903, 1.19442543034617,
4.49336603038784, 2.4150757145656, 1.17057862100591,
4.98265610051247, 2.86655548963229, 1.41568434262168,
5.80435915532122, -0.86690663793705, -0.412228718695274,
-1.82308287806328), dim = 3:4, dimnames = list(c("slope",
"lower.CI.lim", "upper.CI.lim"), c("A", "B", "C", "S"
))), df = 4L), alpha = 0.05, method = "SMA", intercept = TRUE,
call = sma(formula = BG ~ NAG_Ure * ID, data = ratios, method = "SMA",
slope.test = 1, multcomp = TRUE, multcompmethod = "adjusted"),
data = structure(list(BG = c(4.426308275, 4.34966372, 3.865532546,
4.683293513, 4.240838785, 3.78959011, 3.539988617, 3.851137948,
3.81909229, 4.538749784, 5.215412826, 4.208856333, 3.847130421,
6.339150421, 5.317462511, 4.552606853, 3.307303459, 4.385765648,
4.336674511, 4.829372496, 3.416569851, 4.158332878, 5.109054796,
4.706481431, 4.475988564, 3.821945188, 5.437210544, 4.881360655,
3.860798648, 4.317779227, 5.972428997, 4.859032285, 4.561271475,
4.120765413, 4.258429116, 4.627944936, 5.359636377, 4.534059417,
5.507120539, 4.910525401), NAG_Ure = c(7.709524522, 8.478557388,
7.205135904, 6.996607837, 7.114944332, 7.977959573, 7.675999696,
7.355959377, 7.423580005, 7.652775084, 9.249355943, 9.488191629,
8.974777348, 9.595625185, 8.928588088, 8.532474308, 8.569388378,
9.248960291, 9.44244391, 9.102163216, 8.488626332, 9.019256584,
8.937607499, 8.708053122, 9.293168436, 8.733717096, 8.640015504,
8.634049005, 8.440345727, 8.62142294, 9.057427404, 8.534945806,
8.906085485, 8.583331837, 9.008766501, 9.159710848, 8.898366526,
8.977166825, 9.071987451, 8.941960134), ID = structure(c(4L,
4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L,
3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L), levels = c("A", "B",
"C", "S"), class = "factor")), terms = BG ~ NAG_Ure * ID, row.names = c(NA,
40L), class = "data.frame"), log = "", variables = c("BG",
"NAG_Ure", "ID"), origvariables = c("BG", "NAG_Ure", "ID"
), formula = BG ~ NAG_Ure * ID, groups = c("A", "B", "C",
"S"), groupvarname = "ID", gt = "slopecom", gtr = "", slopetest = list(
list(F = 9.31827872844995, r = 0.733525955734229, p = 0.0157590234677085,
test.value = 1, b = 2.31667664004903, ci = structure(c(1.19442543034617,
4.49336603038784), dim = 1:2)), list(F = 8.54587929492844,
r = 0.718676511958753, p = 0.0191930406361901, test.value = 1,
b = 2.4150757145656, ci = structure(c(1.17057862100591,
4.98265610051247), dim = 1:2)), list(F = 14.3808204579393,
r = 0.801592842115533, p = 0.00529515380860768, test.value = 1,
b = 2.86655548963229, ci = structure(c(1.41568434262168,
5.80435915532122), dim = 1:2)), list(F = 0.16493541187151,
r = -0.142128305359836, p = 0.695299013550236, test.value = 1,
b = -0.86690663793705, ci = structure(c(-0.412228718695274,
-1.82308287806328), dim = 1:2))), elevtest = list(
list(t = NA_real_, a = -16.4783566634032, p = NA_real_, = c(-31.5249632736842, -1.43175005312227), test.value = NA),
list(t = NA_real_, a = -16.7172877795454, p = NA_real_, = c(-33.4088614103715, -0.0257141487193131),
test.value = NA), list(t = NA_real_, a = -20.6812822359815,
p = NA_real_, = c(-40.2483805457997, -1.11418392616329
), test.value = NA), list(t = NA_real_, a = 10.6634573155724,
p = NA_real_, = c(5.31557699404069, 16.0113376371041
), test.value = NA)), slopetestdone = TRUE, elevtestdone = FALSE,
n = list(A = 10L, B = 10L, C = 10L, S = 10L), r2 = list(A = 0.237345240819926,
B = 0.0629305733849087, C = 0.118431770766887, S = 0.00383926112052757),
pval = list(A = 0.153247511635264, B = 0.484493584148173,
C = 0.330194825995504, S = 0.864977806070641), from = list(
A = 8.5549621626056, B = 8.41268302478244, C = 8.61777223995185,
S = 7.95357464871603), to = list(A = 9.72243320850455,
B = 9.03428854870199, C = 9.17779712797626, S = 6.94744338800689),
groupsummary = structure(list(group = c("A", "B", "C", "S"
), n = c(10L, 10L, 10L, 10L), r2 = c(0.237345240819926, 0.0629305733849087,
0.118431770766887, 0.00383926112052757), pval = c(0.153247511635264,
0.484493584148173, 0.330194825995504, 0.864977806070641),
Slope = c(2.31667664004903, 2.4150757145656, 2.86655548963229,
-0.86690663793705), Slope_lowCI = c(1.19442543034617,
1.17057862100591, 1.41568434262168, -1.82308287806328
), Slope_highCI = c(4.49336603038784, 4.98265610051247,
5.80435915532122, -0.412228718695274), Int = c(-16.4783566634032,
-16.7172877795454, -20.6812822359815, 10.6634573155724
), Int_lowCI = c(-31.5249632736842, -33.4088614103715,
-40.2483805457997, 5.31557699404069), Int_highCI = c(-1.43175005312227,
-0.0257141487193131, -1.11418392616329, 16.0113376371041
), Slope_test = c(1, 1, 1, 1), Slope_test_p = c(0.0157590234677085,
0.0191930406361901, 0.00529515380860768, 0.695299013550236
), Elev_test = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), Elev_test_p = c(NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
-4L)), multcompresult = structure(list(ID_1 = c("A", "A",
"A", "B", "B", "C"), ID_2 = c("B", "C", "S", "C", "S", "S"
), Pval = c(0.99999988607908, 0.998152554115843, 0.255256686036767,
0.999595246045009, 0.258183735206681, 0.117986735252858),
TestStat = c(0.00763411962003806, 0.20626683587984, 3.91235318176991,
0.120934448956188, 3.89059875004678, 5.35126054970551
), df = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), Slope1 = c(2.31667664004903,
2.31667664004903, 2.31667664004903, 2.4150757145656,
2.4150757145656, 2.86655548963229), Slope2 = c(2.4150757145656,
2.86655548963229, -0.86690663793705, 2.86655548963229,
-0.86690663793705, -0.86690663793705)), row.names = c(NA,
-6L), class = "data.frame"), multcompdone = "slope", multcompmethod = "adjusted"), class = "sma")
Is your dput() output the result of the regression? What we really need is a dput(0)of your raw data. W e also need your complete code. At the moment we do not even know what packages you are using.
Have a look at FAQ Asking Questions
C <- c(2.5,3.1,2.9,3.7)
N <- c(1.0,4.2,2.3,0.9)
C_N <- sma (formula = C ~ N, method = "SMA", slope.test=1)
Call: sma(formula = C ~ N, method = "SMA", slope.test = 1)
Fit using Standardized Major Axis
elevation slope
estimate 3.732528 -0.3250135
lower limit 0.971245 -2.0278976
upper limit 6.493812 -0.0520903
H0 : variables uncorrelated
R-squared : 0.001877934
P-value : 0.95666
H0 : slope not different from 1
Test statistic : r= -0.8092 with 2 degrees of freedom under H0
P-value : 0.19082
I'm using smatr(packages).
Is it possibile add a legend to my plot?
Yes but I do not see the need. You only have one variable so a legend is redundant but have a look at Add legends to plots in R software
This function does not accept "SMA objects", so it does not work.
I have simplified the dataset a lot, but it is necessary for me to add a legend.
can you help me?
I do not understand what this means.
For a sibple legend on your plot
C <- c(2.5,3.1,2.9,3.7)
N <- c(1.0,4.2,2.3,0.9)
C_N <- sma (formula = C ~ N, method = "SMA", slope.test=1)
legend(3, 3.6, "points", fill = "blue")
ID | BG | AP |
A | 5,215412826 | 5,134431419 |
A | 4,208856333 | 4,424680683 |
B | 3,416569851 | 4,262466214 |
B | 4,158332878 | 5,656907089 |
C | 5,972428997 | 6,088960229 |
C | 4,859032285 | 5,617862849 |
C_N <- sma (formula = BG ~ NAG_Ure*ID, data = ratios, method = "SMA", multcomp = TRUE, multcompmethod="adjusted", slope.test=1) |
legend(3,3.6, "points",legend=c("A", "B","C"), fill = c( "blue", "red", "green"))
legend(3,3.6, "points",legend=c("A", "B","C"), fill = c( "blue", "red", "green"))
The first two numbers are the X, y coordinates on the graph.
legend(8.5 , 6.2, "points",legend=c("A", "B","C"), fill = c( "blue", "red", "green"))
Thanks a lot, now it works.
If I want to add a reference line 1 to 1 like in this image (I.E. Vector model), how could I do?
I'm sorry, I don't understand what text you want to . Can you give me the text that you want to add? That plot is way too "busy".
I would like to add to my sma plot a reference line that passes through axes origin, like dotted line showed in this plot:
Ah, okay I think I see what you want but I am not quite sure how to do it as I, currently, do not see how to extract C & N values from C_N
. I'll have to think about it.
Do you want the line going "left bottom" to "right top" like this
xx <- 1:10 ; yy <- 1:10
plot(xx, yy, type = "l")
or "left top" to "right bottom" like this
aa <- 1:10 ; bb <- 10:1
plot(aa, bb, type = "l")
"left bottom" to "right top"
Why if I add a fourth categorical variable (i.e. "A", "B", "C", "D") it doesn't work anymore since it doesn't give the legend anymore?
I do not know. I need to see all your code.
A | 5,215412826 | 5,134431419 |
A | 4,208856333 | 4,424680683 |
B | 3,416569851 | 4,262466214 |
B | 4,158332878 | 5,656907089 |
C | 5,972428997 | 6,088960229 |
C | 4,859032285 | 5,617862849 |
S | 4,426308275 | 3,294318298 |
S | 4,34966372 | 2,286241941 |
S | 3,865532546 | 2,530134905 |
C_N <- sma (formula = BG ~ NAG_Ure*ID, data = ratios, method = "SMA", multcomp = TRUE, multcompmethod="adjusted", slope.test=1) | ||
plot(C_N) |
legend(8.5 , 6.2, "points",legend=c("A", "B","C"), fill = c( "blue", "red", "green"))