Slow down using RStudio running scripts located in shared drive


After the recent Windows update (corporate pc) running R scripts located in a shared drive using RStudio takes abnormal time. Simple operations like printing a number are unresponsive for some moment. The only solution we have found which works is by unticking "Show diagnostics for R". However, we have noticed in the whole team that then we experience quite a lot of crashes. So it seams this solution is just fixing a consequence not the main problem.

I have done some testing, running the same script located in the shared drive using just R - the running time is ok, running the file located locally using RStudio the running time is ok. Running R script located in the shared drive, using RStudio - takes abnormal time.

I have tried resetting the state as explained here: . The problem remains. I have created a ticked for IT in our company. They have been trying to help but we have not found the solution yet.

R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14 ucrt)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19045)
RStudio version: 2024.04.02 (the issue was with 2024.04.01 as well)

I have read a lot of forum discussions but could not find a solution yet. Any ideas? I have noticed @kevinushey have been quite active in these topics. Could you help?


Anyone to help here? Still a problem.