Slight differences in axis label placement between windows and *nix

I'm trying out testthat::expect_snapshot_file() to check for unintended changes to ggplot outputs, and I'm running into slight differences in the snapshots produced by ggplot2::ggsave(device = "svg") when I test on windows versus linux/mac; here's the GitHub Actions workflow that is failing:

The snap files are .svgs which apparently can't be uploaded on this forum, but the artifact folder is here:

The baseline snaps were generated on my windows desktop, and the R CMD CHECK on windows passes, but the Linux and Mac builds fail.

Comparing the new and reference versions, it appears that the Linux runs are using an entirely different font (a serif font versus the san-serif that windows is using), and mac is using a san-serif font but with slightly different spacing. I'm not sure how to sort this out; do I need to set global options for ggplot2 explicitly? I'm not sure where the divergent default options are coming from.

Thanks for any guidance y'all might have!