I want to use the command "more" to page through a document, but am getting error messages with that command, and others, in the terminal window of Rstudio:
$ more Analyses/WAsince940.html
bash: more: command not found
$ man -k more
bash: man: command not found
$ help more
bash: help: no help topics match `more'. Try `help help' or `man -k more' or `info more'.
$ man -k more
bash: man: command not found
I'm not how to interpret these errors. Does this mean I have a problem with my bash installation?
The Terminal window in RStudio uses 'Git Bash' by default. This is a very limited bash terminal which mainly functions to use command line Git. You can go to 'Tools --> Global Options --> Terminal' to change the default type of terminal to any other that you have on your system.