signing in has no progress

Good day.

Can anyone help, I can't seem to login to my Posit cloud account. All it does is just show "loading" and never signs me in. Please see the attachment below

Hello @Xolile_Maseleni,

I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble signing in. A few questions/ideas:

  • Is this still happening?
  • Have you ever logged in to Posit Cloud before?
  • Which browser you are using? Do you have any plugins or browser extensions running?
  • If you haven't already, can you try a different browser or use an incognito window and see if that lets you log in?
  • If you go here: Posit - Log In can you log in successfully? If so, can you log out from that screen (click your name in the upper right hand corder) and then go back to and try to log in again?

Hopefully one of these things helps get you unstuck. If you can tell us which browser you're using, we can do some investigation on our side.

Thanks so much, and sorry for the trouble here,

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