SidebarMenu using bslib in shiny


Hi, i am trying to build a shiny app containing multiple pages and contents. i am using shinydashboard at this moment and i have sidebarMenu() function which is very simple and easy in creating sidebar pages and conditional selectInputs for a particular page. i now need to change my code to bslib. i tried to find similar function or method like sidebarMenu() from shinydashboard package but i did not find anythiing.

So my question is, is it possible to create a multi-page dashboard/app using bslib and if yes is there any simple method like i mentioned above ?

Here is an example code for sidebarMenu()

  id = "sideid",
  menuItem("Dashboard", tabName = "dashboard", icon = icon("dashboard")),
  menuItem("Widgets", icon = icon("th"), tabName = "widgets", badgeLabel = "new",
           badgeColor = "green"),
             'input.sideid == "dashboard"',
             selectizeInput('year1', "Year", choices = c(2023, 2024), selected = 2023, multiple = FALSE)
             'input.sideid == "widgets"',
             selectInput('year2', "Year", choices = c(2023, 2024, 2025), selected = 2023)

I came looking for a solution to this since I also have an app with a pretty sidebar menu linked to its respective R items
in stackoverflow are complicated solutions but I hope something similar for bslib