I have a public application https://pipeline-risk.shinyapps.io/COURSE/ with ~ 100 dashboard pages, each with some instructional content for machine learning. I would like to define links to individual pages so they are accessible outside of this COURSE application.
I am using shiny dashboardPagePlus where each instructional page is in a tabPanel. For example, I have a page for Cross-Validation:
tabPanel("Cross_Validation", create_fluid_row('Slide93.png')),
create_fluid_row <- function(img_source) {
box(width = 12,
column(width = 12, align = "center",
img(src = img_source, height = "800px")
How can I get the tabPanel name of "Cross_Validation" into the URL so a user just needs this link to access the page: https://pipeline-risk.shinyapps.io/COURSE/Cross_Validation. This is the link I'd like to see in the URL window, right now navigating through the COURSE application persists https://pipeline-risk.shinyapps.io/COURSE/ in the URL window without any specifics to the specific page in the application.
thanks for your ideas.