Ships analytics
Authors: Anastasiia Kostiv
Abstract: - User can observe the information about a certain ship, specify the date and state of the ship, view a short analytics and ship coordinates
User can view the information in port context, number of ships in port, their state, position, also can specify the date and time
Also user can view short port analytics and download filtered data
Full Description: - User can observe the information about a certain ship, specify the date and state of the ship, view a short analytics and ship coordinates
User can view the information in port context, number of ships in port, their state, position, also can specify the date and time
Also user can view short port analytics and download filtered data
Keywords: shiny.router, shiny.semantic, shiny.i18n
Shiny app:!/
Repo: GitHub - AKostiv8/shipsanalytics
RStudio Cloud:
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