Shinyjs show/hide functions not working

I'm facing an issue in my Shiny app where the shinyjs::show() and shinyjs::hide() functions are not working as expected when used inside a server module. Oddly enough, when I use shinyjs::runjs() to execute the equivalent jQuery commands directly, everything works perfectly.

My app.R file:

ui <- fluidPage(
  div(id = "login_page", loginUI("login")),
  div(id = "main_ui", mainMenuUI("main_menu"), style = "display:none;")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  callModule(loginServer, "login")
  callModule(mainMenuServer, "main_menu")

My login_module.R:

> loginUI <- function(id) {
>   ns <- NS(id)
>   tagList(
>     div(class = "text-center", h3("Bienvenido al Sistema de Gestión de Calidad del Agua")),
>     textInput(ns("user_name"), "Usuario", placeholder = "Introduce tu nombre de usuario"),
>     passwordInput(ns("password"), "Contraseña", placeholder = "Introduce tu contraseña"),
>     actionButton(ns("login_button"), "Iniciar Sesión")
>   )
> }
> loginServer <- function(input, output, session) {
>   observeEvent(input$login_button, {
>     if (input$user_name == "admin" && input$password == "admin") {
>       showNotification("Login successful", type = "message")
>       shinyjs::hide("login_page")
>       shinyjs::show("main_ui")
>     } else {
>       showNotification("Invalid username or password", type = "error")
>     }
>   })
> }

The problem:

  • When I click the login button with the correct credentials, the shinyjs::hide("login_page") and shinyjs::show("main_ui")` calls do not seem to work; nothing happens on the UI.

  • However, if I replace those lines with shinyjs::runjs("$('#login_page').hide();") and shinyjs::runjs("$('#main_ui').show();")`, the UI updates as expected.

What I’ve tried:

  • Verified that the elements #login_page and #main_ui exist in the DOM using document.getElementById` in the browser console. Both elements are present.
  • Attempted using shinyjs::delay() to ensure the DOM was fully loaded, but this didn’t resolve the issue.
  • Checked for conflicting CSS or JavaScript that might be interfering, but didn’t find anything significant.


  • R version: 4.2
  • Shiny version: 1.9.1
  • shinyjs version: 2.1.0
  • Running on: Windows 10 (With R Tools installed)

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance.

You seem to have a set up where modules can affect hide/show elements of the application that called them. I would generally not do that, but have them return reactive signals to the calling app that it should do that ...
That said, I think your issue is related to the asis param of both show() and hide() which defaults to FALSE, and by so doing will have been adjusted on the assumption that your module has the elements to show/hide, (which it doesnt). Therefore perhaps asis = TRUE will resolve your issue.

Many thanks my friend! Thtat worked perfectly, there's a little bit confuse the namespaces and shinyjs when you are using modules. Thank you again!

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