Shinydashboard accessible by Googlebot?


I use shiny to deploy websites online : here are two examples of my sites:

One that doesn't use shinydasboard:

One that uses shinydasboard: (my personal site)

On both I use Google search by adding a Google file in the www folder.

In both cases the site is referenced by Google and is accessible through search.

Also using shinydasboard the Googlebots do not seem able to read the entire site (only the title) but the content of each tab of the dashboard is not read by the bot and therefore the site cannot be found on Google using keywords appearing in the tabs content.

For instance I have a 'teaching' tab or 'my research tab' on my personal site. If I Google the title of my article my site doesn't show up on Google.

On the contrary classical shiny app with shiny menu Items do not encounter this problem and I can find my site googling any words or sentences that appear in any tab.

Can you explain the problem with dashboard? Is there a way to allow Googlebots to read the entire site?

I hope that I made myself clear,
Best regards

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