Shinyappsio Log Files Not Tracking

Hi All,

We're about to launch a private app to our users, and have been planning to track errors and user activity using print statements within the log files. However, I've noticed over the last couple of days that the logging on our apps on shinyappsio has been inconsistent. At times its very responsive, and we can see activity within the last minute or so, at other times, the logs dont even start at all (they dont even show our startup messages/warnings etc.). They've now completely stopped working, and we've gone nearly 2 days without any activity in our log files, meaning its missed lots of testing activity prior to launch. Assuming it was a problem with our app(s), I spun up a dummy old faithful app this morning, and found that there's no logging for this either. I'm now wondering if this is either: an issue with our account, or a wider issue affecting shinyappsio that other users have experienced?

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by what method do you access logs ? rsconnect::showLogs() or some other method ?

Hi @Martin13 !

Thank you for reporting this -- I was able to reproduce and we are investigating/working toward a fix. Follow along on the status page event

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No worries at all - really appreciate the prompt response!

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We've resolved the issue -- you should see new logs becoming available now!

Unfortunately the logs are intended to be informational/debugging and not durably stored, so you wont see logs for the missing window. If you are reliant on data written by your application, you may want to consider making use of a third-party database or content store to store your access data!

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Thats no problem at all - appreciate the quick fix. Yep, longer-term we'll be looking at writing user journeys to AWS, using the logs for tracking is just a short-term solution while we set AWS up.

Thanks again!

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Hello @stevenolen , I am experiencing the same issue across a number of apps in shiny . Please can you verify that the issue is indeed resolved?

hi @DiegoLopez ! Could you give another try -- we're experiencing some flakiness spooling logs for a subset of applications, sorry for the trouble!

This seems to be working now! Thanks Steve. I'll keep monitoring and report back any issues.