not able to generate markdown with error relating to "potrace"

I have an app which i updated recently. It allows you select filters for an rmarkdown file. Then you hit "Download File" and it generates a word documents which uses pagedown::chrome_print to convert to a pdf.

This has run for years and i updated a small piece of code today not relevant to the error.

Currently when I select the inputs currently and hit the download button i get the following error

Warning: Error in run_now: R: delegate failed `'potrace' --svg --output '%o' '%i'' @ error/delegate.c/InvokeDelegate/1966
13: fn
8: retry
7: connect$retryingStartServer
6: eval
5: eval
4: eval
3: eval
2: eval.parent
1: local

I cannot replicate this on my local computer - it works fine. Can you help with this error as I cannot decipher it.