Hi all,
I would like to deploy shiny app on shiny-server.
what I did
- After installing the server I can connect to it on port 8787 and see the sample-apps on port 3838.
- I can also copy the sample app hello to /srv/shiny-server/, change it and deploy successfully
how it fails
However my own application fails during loading:
An error has occurred
The application failed to start.
The application exited during initialization
I initialaize the packages in the app as:
what is wrong?
I suspect the packages vroom and tidyverse to be the culprits as commenting them out ( together with commeenting out the server part of the code) results in app (the ui part) loading.
- The app runs when started from Rstudio or Rstudio-server.
- The app runs on shinyapps.io
What am I missing?
I see most people use renv to manage packages for shiny-apps which leads me to suspect that packages installed in Rstudio-server are not available to the shiny-server?
Thank you for your help.
The Curious Mechanobiologist