shinyapp uses sample function to randomize sounds but the sounds are always in the same random order

I've recently made my first app where users play a sound and then write what they heard. It contains about 200 sounds and prior to publication, the app generated random sounds each time I ran it. However, after publication, that randomized order is fixed; is it possible that only the order the app generated at the specific moment got published?

Thank you in advance for any advice. :sweat_smile:

click here for the app


tabulka <- read_excel("komplet.xlsx")

ui <- fluidPage(

    titlePanel("Fonetické cvičení - Čínština"),

        sidebarPanel("Po přehrání nahrávky napiš, co slyšíš. Slabiku pinyinem, tón číslem (např. hong2xing1). 加油朋友们!",
        actionButton("play", "Přehrát/Další nahrávka")),
        mainPanel(textInput("pinyin", "Pinyin:"),
        actionButton("Zkontrolovat", "Zkontrolovat"),

server <- function(input, output) {

  rv <-  reactiveValues()
       observeEvent( input$play, {
               rv$vyhodnoceni <<- ""
               radek <- sample(1:nrow(tabulka), size = 1)
               nahravka <- tabulka[radek, 1]
               rv$spravnaOdpoved <- tabulka[radek, 2]
          insertUI(selector = "#play",
             where = "afterEnd",
             immediate = TRUE,
             ui = tags$audio(src = paste0("", nahravka), type = "audio/wav", autoplay = NA, controls = NA)

    output$feedback <-  renderText({

        observeEvent( input$Zkontrolovat, {
          odhad <-  input$pinyin
             if  (odhad == rv$spravnaOdpoved) {
              rv$vyhodnoceni <<- "Výborně, to je správně!"
            } else 	{
              rv$vyhodnoceni <<-"Špatně, zkus to znovu"  }

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

I think you are mistaken. I tried it. I played two sounds. Then i restarted the app, i played two sounds. They were different