Hello all!
I'm having some trouble in deploying my shiny app to shinyapps.io. The basics of my app involve having the user upload a csv, which then gets formatted and is available for download through an rmarkdown latex document. Though this app works locally, I keep receiving the following error in my server logs:
Warning: Error in $: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
This error is present in my rmarkdown code, which I was under the impression didn't run until after the download button was pressed. Since the rmarkdown code depends on the file input, many of the variables in the offending code chunk don't exist or are null before this.
Below is the code from the offending code chunk:
file2 <- as.data.frame(params$data2)
filehom <- as.data.frame(params$data3)
colnames(filehom) <- as.character(unlist(filehom[1,]))
filehom <- filehom[-1,]
check <- FALSE
if(!is.null(labcode) & !is.null(file2$`CAM CODE`))
###Logical check if CAM code is included in SampleData
if(labcode %in% file2$`CAM CODE`)
check <- TRUE
index <- grep(labcode,file2$`CAM CODE`)
cols <- colnames(file2)
###Isolate individual test data frames
infodf <- file2[index,cols[3:4]]
dosdf <- file2[index,cols[5:6]]
dendf <- file2[index,cols[7]]
ph2df <- file2[index,cols[8:9]]
coldf <- file2[index,cols[10:12]]
brxdf <- file2[index,cols[13]]
gasdf <- file2[index,cols[14:15]]
turdf <- file2[index,cols[16:18]]
phsdf <- file2[index,cols[19]]
###Pass/Fail Status
doslimit <- c(250,2.5)
dospass <- as.data.frame(matrix(c(dosdf$`SERVING MASS (g)`<(doslimit[1]+(doslimit[1]*0.1)) & dosdf$`SERVING MASS (g)`>(doslimit[1]-(doslimit[1]*0.1)),dosdf$`SERVING DOSE (mg/serv)`<(doslimit[2]+(doslimit[2]*0.1)) & dosdf$`SERVING DOSE (mg/serv)`>(doslimit[2]-(doslimit[2]*0.1))),nrow=1,ncol=2))
colnames(dospass) <- cols[5:6]
phlimit <- 4.5
ph2pass <- c(as.numeric(substr(ph2df$'pH DEGASSED',0,3)) < phlimit & as.numeric(substr(ph2df$'pH CARBONATED',0,3))< phlimit)
denpass <- TRUE
colpass <- TRUE
gaspass <- TRUE
brxpass <- TRUE
vispass <- TRUE
turpass <- TRUE
phspass <- TRUE
###Update Inclusion Criteria
if(!is.null(infodf$DATE) | !is.null(infodf$`# CANS PULLED`))
include[grep("INFO",include$TestCode),4] <- TRUE
if(!is.null(dosdf$`SERVING MASS (g)`) | !is.null(dosdf$`SERVING DOSE (mg/serv)`))
include[grep("DOS",include$TestCode),4] <- TRUE
include[grep("DEN",include$TestCode),4] <- TRUE
if(!is.null(ph2df$`pH DEGASSED`) | !is.null(ph2df$`pH CARBONATED`))
include[grep("PH",include$TestCode),4] <- TRUE
if(!is.null(coldf$`COLOR L`) | !is.null(coldf$`COLOR A`) | !is.null(coldf$`COLOR B`))
include[grep("COL",include$TestCode),4] <- TRUE
include[grep("BRIX",include$TestCode),4] <- TRUE
if(!is.null(gasdf$`CO2 (Volumes of CO2)`) | !is.null(gasdf$`O2 (ppb)`))
include[grep("GAS",include$TestCode),4] <- TRUE
if(!is.null(turdf$`TURBIDITY (%T)`) | !is.null(turdf$CLARITY) | !is.null(turdf$CLOUDINESS))
include[grep("TUR",include$TestCode),4] <- TRUE
include[grep("PSP",include$TestCode),4] <- TRUE
if(!is.null(labcode) & !is.null(filehom$`CAM CODE`))
###Logical check if CAM code is included in Homogeneity
if(labcode %in% filehom$`CAM CODE`)
index <- grep(labcode,filehom$`CAM CODE`)
cols <- colnames(filehom)
###Isolate Concentration and Mass data frames
homconcdf <- filehom[index,c(2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20)]
homservdf <- filehom[index,c(3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21)]
###Pass/Fail Status
totmgperg <- c()
totgrams <- c()
perserv <- c()
hompass <- NULL
for(i in 1:ncol(homconcdf))
totmgperg <- c(totmgperg,unlist(homconcdf[,i]))
totgrams <- c(totgrams,unlist(homservdf[,i]))
perserv <- c(perserv,unlist(homconcdf[,i])*unlist(homservdf[,i]))
perserv <- round(perserv,2)
perservrsd <- round((sd(perserv)/mean(perserv))*100,2)
if(perservrsd < 15)
hompass <- TRUE
hompass <- FALSE
###Update Inclusion Criteria
include[grep("HOM",include$TestCode),4] <- TRUE
Since the code works just fine locally, I'm confident this isn't a case of referencing the wrong data type, and think it has something more to do with how the app is packaged for deployment.
Can anyone offer any advice in handling this? Thank you!