shinyapp in quarto blog

How to make a shinyapp as a blog post in quarto blog?

I am able to run shinyapp in quarto doucment(xxx.qmd). But when I put the same code in index.qmd for the quarto blog.

Its show following error message:

Error in shiny_prerendered_html(input_rmd, render_args) :
Prerendered HTML file not found at C:/Users/ThinkPad/Desktop/xxxxxx/xxxx/posts/xxxx/index.html

Code I used:

Quarto documents that include shiny components require an R session as a backend (at least for now) so they need to be served from shiny-server, or Posit Cloud, they can't be served as a static HTML page.

Thanks. I think I can just publish the shinyapp at and then embed that website page into my quarto blog.

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This is now one usage were python user have a better solution for now as there is a shinylive Quarto extension to easily add a shiny for python app that run in the browser

One day for R .... hopefully !


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