Im very knew to Shiny Apps. My firm got R server, R studio connect.
I've created my own app and it works fine when im just running it in my RStudio Server Pro.
But after I deployed it to RStudio Connect, it doesnt work when I press the lets say "run" button.. ((
It should connect to AWS and download the data you need, but it never start doing it.
If im not misstaken, it doesnt work because of error "out of bounds".
I put DESCRIPTION file with row "DisplayMode: Showcase" into my app director y, deployed it again and now my app's interface works in "Showcase" mode, but it didn't help me...
This line might be a hint: 2022/02/04 13:18:37.667965853 153: eventReactiveValueFunc [/opt/rstudio-connect/mnt/app/server.R#30]
If it's possible, could you share what (object, variable...) is being used in that eventReactive?
Also, maybe there's an issue with credentials (since you say you are connecting to AWS). If so, you could try setting your credentials as environment variables in your RSConnect instance (for how to do it, see Solutions - Securing Deployed Content)
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Thanks for your reply. Post has been moderated for hours, so I figured out the solution by myself - problem was in my R code, with one bugged function. So I just turned it off for testing and ... it almost worked.
Now I faced a new problem - something is wrong with my permissions... My admin cannot help me for some reason, he says everything with permissions is fine. But i still see this error:
02/07 10:54:37.729 (GMT)
Warning in dir.create(tmp_dir) :
02/07 10:54:37.729 (GMT)
cannot create dir '/storage/rstudio-connect/athena/tmp', reason 'Permission denied'
Script has been used for more than a year, its purpose is to connect to AWS, and it created some tmp dirs and so on.. It works fine on my RPro, but it doesnt in r connect for some reason...