I'm more than likely not asking the correct question, but I can't seem to find any information on this. When looking at the options for a shiny selectInput, I also don't see what I'm looking for.
Is there a way to have a choicesLabel option (currently known as choices) as well as a choicesIndex (currently doesn't seem to be an option)?
The scenario would be you have a label column and an index column in your data set. Say the label requires an update but the index (primary key) column remains the same. By having a choiciesIndex drive the application and not the choicesLabel (which is the choices option currently), we wouldn' need to update the application when a label changes.
If this is currently possible, can you point me to the documentation?
Thank you
You could leave a uiOutput() on the UI side and then fill it with a selectInput() inside a renderUI() on the server side, where you can define the choices list dynamically using a reactive that reads the data set.
All these functions are well documented with examples.