Shiny Modules, declaring a global dataset.

I am building a shiny application that takes a CSV file input and uses the data to display a datatable and some plots. I want to pull out a datatable module and a select input module with a list of select inputs. I have done this already. The problem I am facing now is I want these 2 modules to access the reactive data on a global scale.

If I declare the reactive data in each module server I get an error object 'input' not found but if I declare it in only one of the server modules like for the datatable it works.
If I declare It generally in the app server I get the same error too.

How can I declare this generally so that if I use the reactive data in any of my modules it works?
Also as you can see in my code I set a default dataset (iris) for the reactive data which loads perfectly when I start the app but now when I upload a new dataset from my PC using the file input, it doesn't refresh the table and the select inputs to show the information of that dataset.
How can I solve these problems?
Here is my code.



shinyServer(function(input, output) {
  options(shiny.maxRequestSize = 30*1024^4)

    data = reactive({

      file <- input$Files
      if( is.null (file) ){ iris }
      else { read_csv (file =  file$datapath) }
      # read_rds (file =  file$datapath)




# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
    title = "Data Explorer",
    theme = bslib::bs_theme(version = 5, bootswatch = "flatly"),
    tabPanel(title = "Home",icon = icon("house"),
               sidebarPanel(width = 3,style = "height: 93vh;",
                      fileInput("Files", "Upload Your File",
                                multiple = TRUE,
                                accept = c("text/csv",
               mainPanel(width = 9,style = "height: 95vh; overflow-y: auto;",



Module R

date_num <- function(x){

############################### DataTable module
DataTableUI = function(id){

  ns= NS(id)


DataTableServer = function(id){

  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {

    output$data_table = DT::renderDataTable(

      data(), options =list(pageLength = 10,
                            scrollX = TRUE,
                            dom = 'Bfrtip',
                            buttons = c('pdf','csv', 'excel')
      extensions = 'Buttons',
      selection = 'single',
      filter = 'bottom',
      rownames =TRUE



################################## SideBar Select Input module

sideP_iUI = function(id){

sideP_iServer = function(id){
  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {

  output$plot_graph = renderUI({
  if( is.null( data() ) ){return()}
    numeric_df = data() [ sapply (data(), date_num)]
    species =  as.vector( unique (data() [!sapply (data(), date_num)]))
    if(length(species) == FALSE) {species = c('All')} else {species =  as.vector(unique(unlist(species)))}
    spec = data()[!sapply (data(), is.numeric)]
    if(length(spec) == 0) {spec = c('Every')}
      checkboxGroupButtons( inputId = "PlotA",
                            label = h6("Select Your Plot"),
                            choices = c("Bar","Scatter"),
                            selected = c("Scatter"),
                            checkIcon = list(
                              yes = icon("square-check")
      checkboxGroupButtons( inputId = "PlotB",
                            choices = c("Box","Correlation"),
                            selected = NULL,
                            checkIcon = list(
                              yes = icon("square-check")
      selectInput( inputId = "xvalue",
                   label = h6("Select X:"),
                   choices = names(numeric_df),
                   selected =NULL),
      selectInput( inputId = "yvalue",
                   label = h6("Select Y:"),
                   choices = names(numeric_df),
                   selected = names(numeric_df)[2]),
      selectInput( inputId = "bvalue",
                   label = h6("Selct X For One Way Plot:"),
                   choices = names(spec),
                   selected = NULL),
      pickerInput( inputId = "picker",
                   label = h6("Select Group:"),
                   choices = species,
                   selected = species[1],
                   multiple = TRUE,
                   options = list(
                     `actions-box` = TRUE,
                     `deselect-all-text` = "None",
                     `select-all-text` = " All ",
                     `none-selected-text` = "Select Category",
                     `live-search` = TRUE,
                     `virtual-scroll` = 10,
                     `multiple-separator` = "\n",
                     size = 10
}###### end of sidePanel Inputs

If you want a module to have access to something outside of it (like data) you need to be passing it in as a parameter.

DataTableServer = function(id){

Define it to accept more than only an id, but also a data.frame
Then when you instantiate it with an id, give it the data.
There are examples of this in the module section of mastering shiny book i believe.

Sorry, I am still a bit confused. Can you look at my code and edit it so that this will work?

Thank you.

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