I get the following error in the fileInput message bar when uploading an .RDS from my local file server to my application hosted on shiny:
error is shown in reply below
what does this mean?
My code is simple:
fileInput("file1", "Select Data Set to Analyze", accept = c(".RDS")
q <- reactive(readRDS(input$file1$datapath))
file1 works fine on my local instance of the application, but fails on the hosted shiny server. I found the column of data which causes the upload to fail. If I remove the column the file loads fine on the server. I inspected the column for issues and found none, no blanks, special characters, etc. . The column works in other files being uploaded on the server so this is quite confusing and is keeping me from deploying the application. The error shows up on both chrome v86 and brave. Anyone have ideas on how to resolve this issue?