Shiny Contest Submission: A shiny app for a descriptive analysis of the Air Quality in the Aburrá Valley (Colombia)

A shiny app for a descriptive analysis of the Air Quality in the Aburrá Valley (Colombia)

The Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley is composed of 10 municipalities: Medellín (the principal city), Barbosa, Girardota, Copacabana, Bello, Envigado, Itag, La Estrella, Sabaneta and Caldas. In recent years, the Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley has been the protagonist of different critical episodes of pollution, due to the interaction of different factors such as: topography, climate and meteorological conditions, and high pollutant emissions resulting from human activities (Metropolitan Area, 2018), which favor the accumulation of pollutants and hinder the dispersion of these to higher levels of the atmosphere. Within the accumulation of pollutants that exist, the particulate material PM 2.5 stands out, which corresponds to particles of 2.5 microns or less, which enter the organism and are deposited in the deepest part of the respiratory tract, such as the alveolar sacs (Quijano-Parra et al., 2010) and favor the growth of respiratory and cardiac diseases.

This app was created to show a descriptive analysis about the pollutants that frequently affect the Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley (Medellín, Colombia), especially the PM 2.5 pollutant, whose high concentrations have triggered environmental contingencies. The purpose of this app is that the user understands easier what happens in the Metropolitan Area in terms of air quality.

Shiny app URL: Here
RStudio Cloud Project: Here

Additional technical details:

  • You can send us a message through the app with some advices to improve the air quality in our city.
  • All the information was provided by the Área Metropolitana through its website (The URL is on the app).
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