Shiny Contest 2020 is here!

Shiny apps are a great way to communicate your data science insights with striking, dynamic, interactive visualizations and reports. Over the years, we have loved interacting with the Shiny community and loved seeing and sharing all the exciting apps, dashboards, and interactive documents Shiny developers have produced. So last year we launched the Shiny contest and we were overwhelmed (in the best way possible!) by the 136 submissions! Reviewing all these submissions was incredibly inspiring and humbling. We really appreciate the time and effort each contestant put into building these apps, as well as submitting them as fully reproducible artifacts via RStudio Cloud.

And now it's time to announce the 2020 Shiny Contest, which will run from 29 January to 20 March 3 April 2020.

You can submit your entry for the contest by filling the form at The form will generate a post on RStudio Community, which you can then edit further if you like.

View all Shiny Contest Submissions at the shiny-contest tag and the winning apps and honorable mentions of last year's contest on the Shiny User Showcase.

The deadline for submissions is 20 March 3 April 2020 at 5pm ET.

We will announce winners and their submissions on the RStudio blog, RStudio Community, and also on Twitter.



Hi @mine,

Great to see another Shiny contest, thank you for organizing this. Our team at NPL Markets might be interested in entering into this contest and I am wondering whether or not a submission is valid even if we cannot provide access to our application or its code.

I understand that you would like to promote openness with this contest, but unfortunately we can only show approved images and videos to a wide audience. Note that we may be able to give full access to RStudio employees, I would need to check with the team. We are eager to show how R and Shiny have unlimited potential in FinTech.

Best regards,

Michael Hogers

Part of the goal of the shiny contest is to demonstrate great shiny apps and how they are built. Any contest submission will require pointing to a public repo and working shiny app. We definitely understand that you may need to protect your IP and might not be able to share everything. Could your contest shiny app refer to publically available or simulated data and a subset of your app that performs an interesting set of features that you're still able to show to the public?

Thank you for your reply Curtis, unfortunately it will be difficult for us to create a subset of our app without spending a lot of time on it. Apart from IP issues, sharing subsets of our code might also make it easier to exploit an application. We can only really share descriptions and videos of our application(s).

Regardless of the shiny contest we may at some point write an article on how to create similar app(s), but it will be in a different format then required for the shiny contest.

Looking forward to submissions by others and again thanks for organizing this, it is a unique contest!

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Hi @mine, the 2020 Shiny Contest form uses the 'Shiny Contest' tag rather than 'shiny-contest' so a large number of the submissions are not appearing on the Shiny Contest Submissions page.



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Great news, last year I have missed the contest so this year I am definitely give it a try. Is it possible to participate as a team instead of a solo person?

Yes, you may do the contest as a team.

On the submission form,, just list all the names of the team involved.

Thanks for catching this!
Since we have a Shiny Contest category now, I'm going to create a tag shiny-contest-2020 and link to that for " Shiny Contest Submissions" this year

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Hi everyone,this is my first opportunity in the Shiny Contest and this is the wonderful instance for sharing experience,knowledge,apps and dashboard.

Greetings to all!


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