My shiny app is running, but I do not get the output I desire. I get the following error:
Listening on
Warning: Error in max: invalid 'type' (list) of argument
96: collapsibleTreeSummary
95: func [O:\DIVISIONAL DRIVES\research/2019 \app\apps/server.R#28]
82: origRenderFunc
81: output$plot
1: runApp
Below is my code:
raw <- read_rds("RSdata.rds")
shinyServer(function(session, input, output) {
p <- NULL
data.1 <- reactive(
if(input$level == "All types" & input$gno == "In chart" & input$year == "2018"){
data.1 <- filter(raw,`Attempt Quantity` != 0 ,`Included in GNO performance tables` == 1, `Year` == 2018) %>%
group_by(`Field of work`,`Sub-Field of work`, `Company`) %>% summarize(`Attempt Quantity` = sum(`Attempt Quantity`))}
else if(input$level == "All types" & input$gno == "In chart" & input$year == "2017"){
data.1 <- filter(raw,`Attempt Quantity` != 0 ,`Included in GNO performance tables` == 1, 'Year' == 2017) %>%
group_by(`Field of work`,`Sub-Field of work`, `Company`) %>% summarize(`Attempt Quantity` = sum(`Attempt Quantity`))}
else if(input$level != "All types" & input$gno == "In chart"& input$year=="2018"){
data.1 <- filter(raw, Level %in% input$level ,`Attempt Quantity` != 0,`Included in GNO performance tables` == 1, 'Year' == 2018) %>% group_by(`Field of work`,`Sub-Field of work`, `Company`) %>% summarize(`Attempt Quantity` = sum(`Attempt Quantity`))}
else if(input$level != "All types" & input$gno == "In chart"& input$year=="2017"){
data.1 <- filter(raw, Level %in% input$level ,`Attempt Quantity` != 0,`Included in GNO performance tables` == 1, 'Year' == 2017) %>% group_by(`Field of work`,`Sub-Field of work`, `Company`) %>% summarize(`Attempt Quantity` = sum(`Attempt Quantity`))}
else if(input$level == "All types" & input$gno != "In chart"&input$year=="2018" ){
data.1 <- filter(raw, `Attempt Quantity` != 0, 'Year' == 2018)%>% group_by(`Field of work`,`Sub-Field of work`,`Company`) %>%summarize(`Attempt Quantity` = sum(`Attempt Quantity`)) }
else if(input$level == "All types" & input$gno != "In chart"&input$year=="2017" ){
data.1 <- filter(raw, `Attempt Quantity` != 0, 'Year' == 2017)%>% group_by(`Field of work`,`Sub-Field of work`,`Company`) %>%summarize(`Attempt Quantity` = sum(`Attempt Quantity`)) }
else if(input$level != "All types" & input$gno != "In chart"&input$year=="2018" ){
data.1 <- filter(raw, Level %in% input$level,`Attempt Quantity` != 0, `Year`==2018)%>% group_by(`Field of work`,`Sub-Field of work`,`Company`) %>%summarize(`Attempt Quantity` = sum(`Attempt Quantity`)) }
else{data.1 <- filter(raw, Level %in% input$level,`Attempt Quantity` != 0, `Year`==2017) %>% group_by(`Field of work`,`Sub-Field of work`, `Company`) %>% summarize(`Attempt Quantity` = sum(`Attempt Quantity`))})
output$plot <- renderCollapsibleTree({
dat <- data.1()
p <- collapsibleTreeSummary(
dat, hierarchy = c("Field of work","Sub-Field of work","Company"), root = "Qualification framework", attribute = "Attempt Quantity", inputId = "node", zoomable = FALSE,
fillFun = colorspace::heat_hcl, fontSize = 10)
# Table
df <- reactive({
if(input$gno == "In chart"){z <- filter(raw, `Included in GNO performance tables` == 1)}
else{z <- raw}
if(input$year == "2018"){z <- filter(raw, `Year` == 2018)}
else{z <- filter(raw, `Year` == 2017)}
if(input$level != "All types"){z <- filter(z, Level %in% input$level)}
else{z <- z}
if(is.null(input$node$`Field of work`)){
v <- group_by(z, `Field of work`) %>% summarise(Qualifications = n(), `Companys` = length(unique(`Company`)), Certificates = sum(`Attempt Quantity`))
} else if(!is.null(input$node$`Field of work`) & is.null(input$node$`Sub-Field of work`)){
r <- input$node$`Field of work`
v <- filter(z, `Field of work` %in% r) %>% group_by(`Sub-Field of work`) %>% summarise(Qualifications = n(), `Companys` = length(unique(`Company`)), Certificates = sum(`Attempt Quantity`))
} else if(!is.null(input$node$`Field of work`) & !is.null(input$node$`Sub-Field of work`) & is.null(input$node$`Company`)){
r <- input$node$`Field of work`
s <- input$node$`Sub-Field of work`
v <- filter(z, `Field of work` %in% r & `Sub-Field of work` %in% s) %>% group_by(`Company`) %>% summarise(Qualifications = n(), Certificates = sum(`Attempt Quantity`))
} else{
r <- input$node$`Field of work`
s <- input$node$`Sub-Field of work`
u <- input$node$`Company`
v <- filter(z, `Field of work` %in% r & `Sub-Field of work` %in% s & `Company` %in% u) %>% group_by(`Qualification Title`) %>% summarise(Certificates = sum(`Attempt Quantity`))
# Table plotting
output$table <- renderDataTable({
datatable(df(), options = list(initComplete = JS(
"function(settings, json) {",
"$(this.api().table().header()).css({'background-color': '#000', 'color': '#fff'});",
"}"), pageLength = 20, dom = 'tip', order = list(list(ncol(df())-1, 'desc'))), rownames = F, class = 'compact row-border stripe hover') %>%
formatCurrency('Certificates',currency = "", interval = 3, mark = ",", digits = 0)
output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
filename = function(){
if(!is.null(input$node$`Field of work`) & !is.null(input$node$`Sub-Field of work`) & !is.null(input$node$`Company`)){
paste("Qual_pathway","_",input$node$`Field of work`,"_",input$node$`Sub-Field of work`,"_",input$node$`Company`,".csv", sep = "")
} else if(!is.null(input$node$`Field of work`) & !is.null(input$node$`Sub-Field of work`) & is.null(input$node$`Company`)){
paste("Qual_pathway","_",input$node$`Field of work`,"_",input$node$`Sub-Field of work`,".csv", sep = "")
} else if(!is.null(input$node$`Field of work`) & is.null(input$node$`Sub-Field of work`) & is.null(input$node$`Company`)){
paste("Qual_pathway","_",input$node$`Field of work`,".csv", sep = "")
} else{
paste("Qual_pathway.csv", sep = "")
content = function(filename) {
write.csv(df(), filename, row.names = FALSE)
p <- NULL
output$plot <- renderCollapsibleTree({
dat <- data.1()
p <- collapsibleTreeSummary(
dat, hierarchy = c("Field of work","Sub-Field of work","Company"), root = "Qualification framework", attribute = "Attempt Quantity", inputId = "node", zoomable = FALSE,
fillFun = colorspace::heat_hcl, fontSize = 11)
session$sendCustomMessage(type = "resetValue", message = "node")
session$sendCustomMessage(type = "resetValue", message = "node")
session$sendCustomMessage(type = "resetValue", message = "node")
session$sendCustomMessage(type = "resetValue", message = "node")
## reactive text ##
formulaText <- reactive({
if(nrow(df()) == 0){paste("There are no qualifications matching your search")}
else if(!is.null(input$node$`Field of work`) & !is.null(input$node$`Sub-Field of work`) & !is.null(input$node$`Company`)){
paste(input$node$`Field of work`,">",input$node$`Sub-Field of work`,">",input$node$`Company`, sep = " ")
} else if(!is.null(input$node$`Field of work`) & !is.null(input$node$`Sub-Field of work`) & is.null(input$node$`Company`)){
paste(input$node$`Field of work`,">",input$node$`Sub-Field of work`, sep = " ")
} else if(!is.null(input$node$`Field of work`) & is.null(input$node$`Sub-Field of work`) & is.null(input$node$`Company`)){
paste(input$node$`Field of work`)
} else{
paste("Choose a Field of work", sep = "")
# Return the formula text for printing as a caption
output$caption <- renderText({