Shiny app working on local device but not on

Forewarning - I am still learning how to create shiny apps. I have an interactive map that I have created using shiny apps and it works on my local device. When I try to deploy to using the deployApp() function i receive " An error has occurred. The application failed to start. exit status 1" on my browser. Through looking at the logs that correspond at least one issue comes up"2024-08-29T16:27:06.890581+00:00 shinyapps[12555547]: Error in leafletOutput("map") : could not find function "leafletOutput"

When I have the app running locally and I try to "publish" , i receive this error "── Preparing for deployment ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
:heavy_check_mark: Deploying "ShinyApp" using "server: / username: alexrow"
Error in quartoInspect():
! Failed to run quarto inspect against your content:
ERROR: C:/Users/Tufts Lab/OneDrive - Queen's
University/Desktop/ShinyApp/license_data.rds is not a valid Quarto input

  1. └─rsconnect::deployApp(...)
  2. └─rsconnect:::appMetadata(...)
  3. └─rsconnect:::inferQuartoInfo(...)
  4.   └─rsconnect:::quartoInspect(appDir = appDir, appPrimaryDoc = appPrimaryDoc)
  5.     └─cli::cli_abort(...)
  6.       └─rlang::abort(...)

Execution halted"

I have updated the corresponding packages and tried a variety of workarounds. I am hoping this is a simple fix and stems from my novice abilities. Any help is aprecaited. I have read through others with the same issue but have not found a solution.

It appears that your application contains a call to leafletOutput. Does the app contain either library(leaflet) or leaflet::leafletOutput(...)? If neither one is present (because, say, leaflet is already loaded when you run the app locally), the deployment script may not know that your app needs leaflet and therefore may not install it in your server space.

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