Shiny app using Reticulate not deploying to because of error: utils::tar(... : storing paths of more than 100 bytes is not portable

I am trying to deploy a Shiny app that is using Reticulate to access a huggingface SentenceTransformers model to undertake a semantic search. I can get the app running locally, however, when trying to deploy it to I get the following error:

Downloaded 360 bytes...Error in uploadCloudBundle(client, application$application_id, bundlePath) : 
  Could not upload file.
In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
> warnings()
Warning messages:
1: In utils::tar(bundlePath, files = NULL, compression = "gzip",  ... :
  storing paths of more than 100 bytes is not portable:
2: In utils::tar(bundlePath, files = NULL, compression = "gzip",  ... :
  storing paths of more than 100 bytes is not portable:

I have pasted only the first two warnings here, but there are 50+ as the error message says! Is there a workaround for this?