My shiny app was running fine for about a year and decided to stop loading from my browser. It keeps saying please wait forever. I tried deleting the app off the shiny-server and republishing but that did not work. Did this happen to anyone else? Any tips?
Have you tried other browsers / computers?
Can you share the app address?
Might it have something to do with the url being case sensitive as mentioned here?
I have tried many browsers (Chrome, Safari, Samsung Internet). The app still gives me the Please Wait and never loading on both mobile and desktop devices on all browsers.
I cannot share the app address publicly unfortunately.
I have tried the capitalization issue and it did not fix the issue. I was using the right link.
If you have a paid account, increase the instance size. Otherwise, try to reduce the amount of RAM memory required by your application. I can't give you more specific advice since you are not showing the code of your app.
Any idea how to decrease the RAM required by an application? Would it help to work with more efficient functions or is it the size of the data that is problematic?
Very likely but we can't possibly know for sure. As I said, we can't give you any specific advice without a reproducible example (reprex) illustrating your issue.
Have a look at these resources, to see how to create one for a shiny app