These log lines may be useful, but I have also heard they might be a red herring: "System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate. Failed to connect to bus: Host is down".
Here are the packages I am using: cachem, terra, shiny, shinyBS, shinyLP, shinythemes, bslib, bsplus, maps, mapproj, leaflet, sp, dplyr, sf, tidyverse, DT, rmapshaper, htmlwidgets. (Note that I use only a few packages in the actual application but I forgot which ones are useless.)
This application is pretty complex, meaning I am loading RDS files that contain simplified multipolygon geometries and 8 sq-km resolution rasters that cover most of the Western Hemisphere. This application is a conservation planning tool for migratory birds.
Do you have an idea of where the issue lies? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Update! I ran a few tests this morning, including commenting out all RDS files, trying to load all RDS files, and keeping just half of the RDS files.
I found that keeping the "simplified polygon" RDS files allows the application to deploy successfully. I have all functionality expected as a user.
This leads me to believe that my application requires a performance boost (i.e., 1GB to 8GB). The problem is that I am unsure if my funding source will allow an be determined.
Can anyone please confirm that upgrading from a free to basic account is the next step? Otherwise, do you think there is a way to get around paying (i.e., increasing max number of workers, max number of connections per worker, etc.)?
After some testing, I determined that the issue was the file size of my raster datasets. I converted to type polygon because they serve the same purpose, and I am now able to run the tool with full functionality.