I keep encountering this error when running my app in shinyapps.io. -> Container event from container-8169095: oom (out of memory). I am using the basic plan. I am working with large raster datasets(I am trying to create a shiny app that calculates the total population of people within FAO farming system boundaries for all the countries in the world. I am also calculating mean farming yields for 42 crops which are all 1Gb in size), performing calculations that require a lot of RAM. Here is my code. If you are able to help, kindly assist. I've been stuck for days.
Read Africa countries shapefile and transform to WGS84
gadm_sf <- st_read("Africa_countries.shp") %>%
st_transform("+init=EPSG:4326") %>%
Load farming system boundaries from FAO and transform to WGS84
fao_sf <- st_read("fao_gadm_intersect.shp") %>%
st_transform("+init=EPSG:4326") %>%
Load WorldPop population dataset and transform to WGS84
wp_path <- "H:\CIMMYT Shiny project\Data_2\AFR_PPP_2020_adj_v2.tif"
worldpop_pop <- terra::rast(wp_path)
Set the CRS of fao_sf to match worldpop_pop
fao_sf <- st_transform(fao_sf, st_crs(worldpop_pop))
Set the CRS of fao_sf to match worldpop_pop
gadm_sf <- st_transform(gadm_sf, st_crs(worldpop_pop))
#load spam dataset
physical area from SPAM 2010
mylist <- list.files(pattern="._A.tif$")
r <- rast(mylist)
crop extent to gadm_sf
spam_yield <- terra::crop(r, gadm_sf)
sum crop area for all 42 crops
agext <- sum(spam_yield)
#Define the UI
ui <- bootstrapPage(
theme = shinytheme("flatly"), collapsible = TRUE, id = "nav",
HTML('Agri population mapper'),
windowTitle = "Agricultural population calculator",
tabPanel("Calculate Population",
width = 4,
inputId = "country",
label = tags$span("Select Country",
style = "cursor: help;",
title = "Select the country for which you want to calculate agricultural population. The data available includes information on the farming system and the population density of different administrative levels."),
choices = unique(gadm_sf$ADM0_NAME)
width = 4,
inputId = "farming_system",
label = tags$span("Select Farming System",
style = "cursor: help;",
title = "Select the farming system for which you want to calculate agricultural population. The available options depend on the country selected."),
choices = NULL
width = 4,
inputId = "calculate",
label = "Calculate Population"
tableOutput(outputId = "result_table"),
leafletOutput(outputId = "result_map")
numericInput(inputId = "maxrows", label = "Rows to show", value = 25),
"This tool uses data provided by ",
tags$a(href = "https://gadm.org/data.html", "GADM"),
", ",
tags$a(href = "http://www.fao.org/geonetwork/srv/en/main.home", "FAO"),
", ",
tags$a(href = "https://www.worldpop.org/", "WorldPop"),
", and ",
tags$a(href = "https://data.apps.fao.org/catalog/iso/59f7a5ef-2be4-43ee-9600-a6a9e9ff562a", "SPAM"),
tabPanel("About this site",
tags$h4("What is the Agricultural Population Mapper?"),
"The Agricultural Population Mapper is a tool that allows you to estimate the population living in rural areas and engaged in different farming systems in a given country.",
tags$br(), tags$br(),
tags$h4("How can I use it?"),
"To use the Agricultural Population Mapper, simply select the country and farming system you're interested in and click the 'Calculate Population' button. The tool will return a table and a map showing the population and population density of different administrative levels within the selected country and farming system.",
tags$br(), tags$br(),
"Code and input data used to generate this Shiny mapping tool are available on ",
tags$a(href="https://github.com/Madaga-L/Agri-population-calculator", "Github."),
"This app was developed by CIMMYT as part of Ex Ante Evaluation Support to Prospective Agronomy Interventions."
Define Server
Define Server
server <- function(input, output, session) {
Update farming system choices based on selected country
observeEvent(input$country, {
country_name <- input$country
farming_system_choices <- unique(fao_sf$DESCRIPTIO[fao_sf$ADM0_NAME == country_name])
updateSelectInput(session, "farming_system", choices = farming_system_choices)
Calculate agricultural population and yield based on user selections
observeEvent(input$calculate, {
country_name <- input$country
farming_system_name <- input$farming_system
farming_system_geom <- fao_sf[fao_sf$DESCRIPTIO == farming_system_name & fao_sf$ADM0_NAME == country_name, ]
country_geom <- gadm_sf[gadm_sf$ADM0_NAME == country_name, ]
farming_system_geom <- fao_sf[fao_sf$DESCRIPTIO == farming_system_name & fao_sf$ADM0_NAME == country_name, ]
intersection_extent <- st_intersection(country_geom, farming_system_geom)
##create a new raster object rr using the same resolution and extent as the worldpop_pop raster, but based on the geometry of the farming_system_geom.
rr <- terra::rast(intersection_extent, resolution = res(worldpop_pop), ext = ext(worldpop_pop))
##rasterize the farming system geometry to be used in masking
farming_system_raster <- terra::rasterize(intersection_extent, field = "gridcode", rr, fun = "sum", overwrite = TRUE)
#mask population based on farming system selected
worldpop_pop_mask <- terra::mask(worldpop_pop, farming_system_raster)
# Resample spam_yield to have the same extent as worldpop_pop
spam_yield_resampled <- terra::resample(agext, rr)
spam_yield_mask <- terra::mask(spam_yield_resampled, farming_system_raster)
total_population_sum <- sum(as.vector(worldpop_pop_mask), na.rm = TRUE)
mean_population <- mean(as.vector(worldpop_pop_mask), na.rm = TRUE, FUN = mean)
mean_yield <- mean(as.vector(spam_yield_mask), na.rm = TRUE, FUN = mean)
output$result_table <- renderTable({
data.frame("Total_Population" = total_population_sum,
"mean_Population" = mean_population,
"mean_SPAM_Yield" = mean_yield)
# convert SpatRaster to rasterLayer object
worldpop_pop_mask_raster <- raster(worldpop_pop_mask)
pal0 <- colorNumeric(c("RdYlBu"), na.omit(values(worldpop_pop_mask_raster)),
na.color = "transparent")
output$result_map <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet() %>%
addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
addRasterImage(worldpop_pop_mask_raster, colors = pal0, opacity = 0.9) %>%
addLegend(pal = pal0, values = values(worldpop_pop_mask_raster),
title = "Population",
position = "bottomright")
Run the app
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)