Shiny app deployment Error - Error in "value[[3L]](cond): Uint8ClampedArray is not defined "

Hello community,

After doing some changes to a previously succesfully deployed app, I am now attempting to deploy my new updated version to but get the following error:
Error in value[3L] :
Error in V8 context: ReferenceError: Uint8ClampedArray is not defined
at :1:5492
at FlatQueue.ids (:1:3995)
at Object. (:1:4109)
at o (:1:265)
at :1:316
at Object.internal.getBoundsSearchFunction (:1:586891)
at Object.internal.groupPolygonRings (:1:563644)
at GeoJSON.exportPolygonGeom (:1:739932)
at :1:736355
at Array.reduce (native)
Calls: local ... tryCatch -> tryCatchList -> tryCatchOne ->
Execution halted

I searched for solutions to this problem but cannot find any related to "Uint8ClampedArray"... I must note that the attempt to redeploy is made from another computer which might be missing some packages, could that be the issue here? Also, the app runs well in Rstudio without any error popping up.

I would be very grateful if I could receive some help.

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Please let me know if you find an answer to this question, I am having the same issue.

The app works fine locally, all data is localized to the uploaded files, and then I get the green screen of death and made only cosmetic changes to the code since the last redeploy (mutate a column for a table and highlight some columns in DT)

I am having the same issue as well. The error message shows:

Error in value[[3L]](cond) : 
  Error in V8 context: ReferenceError: Uint8ClampedArray is not defined
    at <anonymous>:1:5492
    at FlatQueue.ids (<anonymous>:1:3995)
    at Object.<anonymous> (<anonymous>:1:4109)
    at o (<anonymous>:1:265)
    at <anonymous>:1:316
    at Object.internal.getBoundsSearchFunction (<anonymous>:1:586891)
    at Object.internal.groupPolygonRings (<anonymous>:1:563644)
    at GeoJSON.exportPolygonGeom (<anonymous>:1:739932)
    at <anonymous>:1:736355
    at Array.reduce (native)
Calls: local ... tryCatch -> tryCatchList -> tryCatchOne -> <Anonymous>
Execution halted

This is an app that involves reading shapefiles but it works locally. If anyone has a clue please leave a note. Thanks!!

Ok, so I have been redeploying old instances of my code and it is still not deploying, I am guessing that one of the packages that I am using is corrupting the deploying of the package. It might have something to do with the R 4.0 update.

If I was to guess I would say it might be either V8, or shiny (i know shiny just updated to a new version in March 2020 and some bugs may still be in there), but honestly have no idea. I am going to try to build a simple script and keep trying to deploy with some new updated packages. If anyone has a better idea, please let me know.

Ok so with a ton of help from a bunch of people much smarter than me, the issue got figured.

I seems the V8 package, sp, and rmapshaper were the main issues. I was advised to use the st package instead. My map works again so maybe it will work for you guys. Basically purge your code of anything with V8.

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I removed rmapshaper and it is now working. Thanks!!!