The installation of vegan seems successful (there is no error message; yes it's a bit disturbing but totally normal that there is no success message either).
For Rcpp, library() can only work if the installation was previously successful. Did you run install.packages("Rcpp") and did it work? If not, what is the error message?
I'm not very familiar with MacOS (if anyone else wants to chime in...), my understanding is that you may need to install the c++ toolchain yourself. There are detailed instructions here, see in particular his package to do it automatically.
Hi Alexis, Thank you for responding. I am having some real issues with R, and because I don't really understand how Rstudio is interacting with Rscript, I don't know how to describe my issues.
Problem 1: I set up a conda environment to work with a suite of programs. During a test of the suite it told me I needed to update some R packages. I ran an update and it did not update within the conda environment but in my base directory. This is when things started to go bad. Libraries wouldn't load and RStudio kept crashing.
Problem 2: Because RStudio kept crashing I re-loaded the program and the latest version of R. Now, Rstudio is running R version 4.1.2. But here's another tricky thing. When I look at my R libraries, there are only two directories, one for 3.5 and one for 3.6. Where is 4.1? UGH! I wish I understood theses things better.
I think I have gotten some good help on how to handle updating within my environment, but I would surely like to understand how R is interacting with RStudio and R libraries. Any help there would be great!