I’ve copied codes into parent/child program and located the child as C:/temp/child.Rmd. The statements in parent program
title: "parent"
output: pdf_document
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
src <- lapply(
FUN = function(x) {
file = here::here("L:/Statunit/Nancy/CAH/pgm/child1.Rmd"),
title = x
r knitr::knit(text = unlist(src))
The statements in child program
title: "child1"
output: pdf_document
iris %>%
filter(Species == "{{title}}") %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Sepal.Width) +
geom_point() +
labs(title = "{{title}}")
After I knit parent program, the error message as below. Why and how to fix it?
Quitting from lines 14-23 (trypc.Rmd)
Error in file(con, "r") : cannot open the connection
Calls: ... one_string -> paste -> read_utf8 -> readLines -> file
Execution halted