shapviz sv_importance plot breaks in plotly

So I have been trying out the new shapviz package with good results so far:

But strangely, the ggplotly utility function cannot render the bars correctly.:

Seeing how there are three levels here:

  1. ggplot2 itself
  2. plotly
  3. and shapviz

I decided to ask here on RStudio before raising an issue on any of the specific packages. What could be the problem?

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Turns out the culprit was plotly.R:

shp <- shapviz(predictor, X_pred = data.matrix(X_full), X = X_full)
sv_wf <- sv_waterfall(shp, row_id = 1)

As it turns out, shapviz' waterfall plot isn't a true waterfall plot, a la plotly or ggplot2. It's built on geom_gene_arrow from GitHub - wilkox/gggenes: ➡️️➡️️⬅️️➡️️ Draw gene arrow maps in ggplot2

Warning message in geom2trace.default(dots[[1L]][[1L]], dots[[2L]][[1L]], dots[[3L]][[1L]]): “geom_GeomGeneArrow() has yet to be implemented in plotly. If you'd like to see this geom implemented, Please open an issue with your example code at
Warning message in geom2trace.default(dots[[1L]][[2L]], dots[[2L]][[1L]], dots[[3L]][[1L]]): “geom_GeomGeneArrow() has yet to be implemented in plotly. If you'd like to see this geom implemented, Please open an issue with your example code at
Warning message in geom2trace.default(dots[[1L]][[1L]], dots[[2L]][[1L]], dots[[3L]][[1L]]): “geom_GeomFitText() has yet to be implemented in plotly. If you'd like to see this geom implemented, Please open an issue with your example code at
Warning message in geom2trace.default(dots[[1L]][[2L]], dots[[2L]][[1L]], dots[[3L]][[1L]]): “geom_GeomFitText() has yet to be implemented in plotly. If you'd like to see this geom implemented, Please open an issue with your example code at

So until someone PRs in an implementation, plotly doesn't know how to render it. Go figure :slight_smile:

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