It's in French but to summarize a little, I have two groups, the 1st one: n=30 ("most manipulated mice") and the 2nd one: n=20 ("less manipulated mice). And the "temps de..." column is just a measured time.
plus<-subset (compo, Individus=="Plus manipulées")
moins<-subset (compo, Individus=="Peu Manipulées")
shapiro.test (plus$Temps de descente)
shapiro.test (moins$Temps de descente)
I thought it would have the results I was looking for but for shapiro.test, the "is.numeric(X) is not TRUE" appears and despite my researches on internet, I didn't manage to understand where there is a mistake.
I know I'm pretty bad when it comes to using R Studio (I'm a beginner) but if someone could help me understand I would be veryyy happy!
I suspect your Temps are characters because the usual French decimal symbol is "," and your numbers use ".". When I run summary() on a data frame with two columns named age and class_attendance I get this
age class_attendance
Min. :6.000 Length:18
1st Qu.:6.000 Class :character
Median :7.000 Mode :character
Mean :6.944
3rd Qu.:8.000
Max. :8.000
The numeric column is summarized with statistics and the character column has its Class listed as character.