I am trying to implement an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) using the FuzzyR package but I keep getting errors.
The complete codes are shown below.
The ANFIS code is for an eight-input and one-output system.
train = round(nrow(concrete)*.70)
test = round((nrow(concrete)-train)*0.5)
val <- 1030
train.data = concrete[1:train,] #training data set
train.data <- train.data[sample(1:nrow(train.data)),] # shuffled training dataset
test.data = concrete[(train+1):(train+test),] #test data set
test.data <- test.data[sample(1:nrow(test.data)),]
val.data = concrete[(train+test+1):(val), ] #validation data set
val.data <- val.data[sample(1:nrow(val.data)),] #shuffled validation data set
input.data = concrete[,1:8] # input dataset
data.range <- matrix(0, ncol=2, nrow=ncol(input.data)) #zero matrix for input ranges
for (i in 1:ncol(input.data)) {data.range[i,] = range(input.data[,i])} #loop to fill zero matrix
input.num <- 8
#number of membership functions in each fuzzy variable
age.mf <- 4
cement.mf <- 4
water.mf <- 4
coarse.mf <- 3
blast.mf <- 3
super.mf <- 3
flyash.mf <- 4
fine.mf <- 3
# total number of possible rules
mf.num <- prod(age.mf, cement.mf, water.mf, coarse.mf, blast.mf, super.mf, flyash.mf, fine.mf)
# naive accuracy case
naive.trn <- train.data[,5]
naive.tst <- test.data[,5]
naive.chk <- val.data[, 5]
scale.mase <- mean(abs(train.data[,9] - naive.trn))
# rule base
rule.num <- 100
rule.which <- sort(sample(1:mf.num, rule.num))
#automated fis builder
concrete.strength <- fis.builder(x.range = data.range, input.num = input.num, input.mf.num = mf.num,input.mf.type = 'T1', rule.num = rule.num, rule.which = rule.which, defuzzMethod = 'KM')
The code runs fine until it gets to fis.builder then It throws the following error.
Error in if (a == 0) a = 1 : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
I can't seem to understand what part of the code is causing these issues. Is there anyone that could be of assistance?
Thanks in advance
Edit: the problem has been solved. The issue was with the definition of the membership functions and the input data was is a dataframe instead of a matrix