I have just spun up a docker image of rocker/tidyverse with a mounted volume for LDAP user's home directories. I've run the following commands inside the container to install and setup LDAP authentication:
apt update
apt install libnss-ldap libpam-ldap ldap-utils pamtester
I followed the prompts to setup connection to our LDAP server. I can now successfully login at the command prompt. The following command is successful:
pamtester login <user> authenticate
Where is a user in our LDAP system. I am prompted for a password and it responds successfully. I can also login to the command prompt using the command inside the container:
login <user>
Which prompts for a password and logs me in and changes to the user's home directory.
However when I attempt to login through the rstudio server web interface using a user from the LDAP system it says "Error: Incorrect or invalid username/password". I do not get any messages in the docker log after a successful or unsuccessful login attempt. I can successfully login using the user from the command from spinning up the container:
docker run --rm -d -e USER=startuser -e ROOT=TRUE -e PASSWORD=testing -v /ldaphome:/ldaphome rocker/tidyverse
I've also created accounts locally inside the container and can login using those accounts.
Any help in understanding why the LDAP users can't login to rocker/rstudio server but local users can would be appreciated. Also any help on understanding where the rstudio server login attempts are stored with rocker/rstudio would be appreciated (i.e. where are the log files).