In my figures and tables I need to provide a long description. However for the indices I don't want to have such a long description.
On latex, according to the documentation of \caption I can use:
\caption[Title for index]{Caption of the figure or table}
I tried with several options, but all fail for one reason or another:
Is there a way to set up this on bookdown?
Maybe this is out of the possibilities of bookdown and I should manually edit the .tex file and compile it to pdf ?
How would I do that outside knitr? Although I'm a bit familiar with LaTeX, I'm not sure I would be able to compile with texmaker or similar programs.
fig.scap : ( NULL ; character) A short caption. This option is only meaningful to LaTeX output. A short caption is inserted in \caption[] , and usually displayed in the “List of Figures” of a PDF document.
```{r reference-tab}
kable(table, caption = "Real caption of table", caption.short = "Index's short caption")
Sorry, I looked to bookdown-related documentation and didn't thought to look up on knitr's documentation.
This is a nice workaround for figures. Many thanks!
Is possible to do this without using the code block to include a graphic? I'm thinking on tables where I didn't find a way for fig.scap to work as the result is not a figure and the tables generated are different between simple markdown and knitr kable:
Edit: I can use kable(caption = "Caption") but it doesn't recognize scap or scaption arguments. But perhaps I should use other packages to create the tables (But I would prefer to avoid re-formatting all the tables I have to be accepted by a package only to be printed).