Can anyone clarify how is the best procedure to set.seed() before running a machine learning algorithms?
I have built a random forest model, a gbm model and a bart model.
Does every of them require a seed for reproducible results?
I have not split my dataset into train and test.
I have seen a lot of examples for random forest but I am not sure if this is required for BART and GBM as well.
An example of my models:
mod_BART <- bart(x.train = dataset[ , preds_selected], y.train = dataset[ , 1], keeptrees = TRUE)
formula_GBM <- as.formula(paste("presence ~", paste(preds_selected, collapse = "+")))
mod_GBM <- gbm(formula_GBM, data = dataset, distribution="bernoulli")
Also how many times should I set the seed?
if the models are in the same script is it enough to set only 1 seed before the first model?
Thanks a lot