Seperate date and time from character datatype

Hello, I need to convert a column of date and time which is character data type (eg: "2022-06-30 17:27:53" "2022-06-30 18:39:52" ) into seperate date and time column of datetime datatype.
I used
cyclist_yr$started_at_date <- as.Date(cyclist_yr$started_at) to create a table of date only. But I'm unable to create a table of time only.
I used
cyclist_yr$started_at_time <- as.POSIXct(cyclist_yr$started_at, format = "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "GMT") to convert it to POSIXct and then seperate it. But my output structure is like
started_at_time : POSIXct, format: NA NA NA ...
Please help me guys to seperate time from it.

Is this the sort of thing you are looking for?

DF <- data.frame(Datetime = c("2022-06-30 17:27:53", "2022-06-30 18:39:52"))
DF <- DF |> separate(col = "Datetime", into = c("Date","Time"),sep = " ", remove = FALSE) |> 
  mutate(Date = as.Date(Date), Time = as_hms(Time))
#>              Datetime       Date     Time
#> 1 2022-06-30 17:27:53 2022-06-30 17:27:53
#> 2 2022-06-30 18:39:52 2022-06-30 18:39:52
#>    Datetime              Date                Time         
#>  Length:2           Min.   :2022-06-30   Length:2         
#>  Class :character   1st Qu.:2022-06-30   Class1:hms       
#>  Mode  :character   Median :2022-06-30   Class2:difftime  
#>                     Mean   :2022-06-30   Mode  :numeric   
#>                     3rd Qu.:2022-06-30                    
#>                     Max.   :2022-06-30

Created on 2023-07-14 with reprex v2.0.2

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Thank You so much dude.... I had been trying to solve this for the whole day :saluting_face:

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