Separating First and Last Names into separate columns

Hi all, I'm new to working with strings and characters in R. Wondering if someone could illustrate how to separate first name and last name into separate columns. Additionally, I would like to be able to match the person's title, email and phone with their name in my data frame. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks!

link = ""
page = read_html(link)
name = page %>% html_nodes(".dps_staffcontactpage_title") %>% html_text()
emailandphone = page %>% html_nodes(".dps_staffcontactpage") %>% html_text()
MNEMA = as_tibble(name, emailandphone, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

I think the following code gets you what you need for this particular data set. It would not work if the names were not single words. For example, if Ursula von der Leyen were in the list, the code would give her last name as von and push der Leyen into the position column. I also took advantage of the email addresses and phone numbers being in the same order as the names, so I just had to pick out the odd elements of the emailandphone vector to get the emails and the even elements to get the phone numbers.

link = ""
page = read_html(link)
name = page %>% html_nodes(".dps_staffcontactpage_title") %>% html_text()
#> [1] "Joe Kelly, Director"                                   
#> [2] "Kevin Reed, Deputy Director"                           
#> [3] "Devan Armstrong, Program and Policy Analysist"         
#> [4] "Jacob Beauregard, Mutual Aid and Logistics Coordinator"
#> [5] "Robert Berg, REP Planner"                              
#> [6] "Mari Bostrom, REP Planner, GIS"
emailandphone = page %>% html_nodes(".dps_staffcontactpage") %>% html_text()
#> [1] ""    "651-201-7404"               
#> [3] ""      "651 201-7405"               
#> [5] "" "651-201-7494"
#MNEMA = as_tibble(name, emailandphone, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Emails <- emailandphone[seq(from = 1, to = 39, by = 2)]
#> [1] ""     ""      
#> [3] ""  ""
#> [5] ""    ""
Phones <- emailandphone[seq(from = 2, to = 40, by = 2)]
#> [1] "651-201-7404" "651 201-7405" "651-201-7494" "651-201-7474" "651-201-7458"
#> [6] "651-201-7437"
MNEMA <- tibble(name, Emails, Phones)
#> # A tibble: 6 x 3
#>   name                                                   Emails         Phones  
#>   <chr>                                                  <chr>          <chr>   
#> 1 Joe Kelly, Director                                    joseph.kelly@~ 651-201~
#> 2 Kevin Reed, Deputy Director                            kevin.reed@st~ 651 201~
#> 3 Devan Armstrong, Program and Policy Analysist          devan.armstro~ 651-201~
#> 4 Jacob Beauregard, Mutual Aid and Logistics Coordinator jacob.beaureg~ 651-201~
#> 5 Robert Berg, REP Planner                               robert.m.berg~ 651-201~
#> 6 Mari Bostrom, REP Planner, GIS                         mari.bostrom@~ 651-201~
MNEMA <- separate(MNEMA, col = name, into = c("First", "Last", "Position"), extra = "merge")
#> # A tibble: 6 x 5
#>   First  Last       Position                             Emails         Phones  
#>   <chr>  <chr>      <chr>                                <chr>          <chr>   
#> 1 Joe    Kelly      Director                             joseph.kelly@~ 651-201~
#> 2 Kevin  Reed       Deputy Director                      kevin.reed@st~ 651 201~
#> 3 Devan  Armstrong  Program and Policy Analysist         devan.armstro~ 651-201~
#> 4 Jacob  Beauregard Mutual Aid and Logistics Coordinator jacob.beaureg~ 651-201~
#> 5 Robert Berg       REP Planner                          robert.m.berg~ 651-201~
#> 6 Mari   Bostrom    REP Planner, GIS                     mari.bostrom@~ 651-201~

Created on 2022-07-31 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

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