Separate legends for geom_ribbon aesthetics

Greetings, ggplot wizards :wink:
After reading through chapter 14 Scales and guides from ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis, I would like to create two separate guides (legends), one for color and fill, one for linetype and alpha. While a variable is mapped to color and fill, linetype and alpha are set manually (i.e. as constants) depending on the layer and later mapped with manual scales.
I would expect information about the 'linetype' to appear in my legend 'Linetype and Alpha'. However, only information related to alpha is shown.



df <- tibble(rr = (1:10) + runif(10), 
			 rc = (1:10) + runif(10), 
			 p = 1:10, 
			 sd = runif(10)) |> 

	geom_line(aes(x = p, y=value, color=name)) +
	geom_ribbon(aes(x = p, ymin = value-sd*2, ymax = value+sd*2, 
					fill = name,linetype = "ConfInt1", alpha = "ConfInt1"), show.legend=TRUE) + 
	geom_ribbon(aes(x = p, ymin = value-sd*4, ymax = value+sd*4, 
					fill = name,linetype = "ConfInt2", alpha = "ConfInt2"), show.legend=TRUE) + 
	scale_linetype_manual(name="Linetype and Alpha", values = c("ConfInt1"="dashed","ConfInt2"="dotted")) + 
	scale_alpha_manual(name="Linetype and Alpha",values = c("ConfInt1"=0.4,"ConfInt2"=0.1)) +
	labs(color="Color and Fill",fill="Color and Fill")

I would greatly appreciate any advice.