im a newbie and im trying to get to work with Rstudio for my final project. i am using the AFINN sentiment dictionary, i found this code online but I keep getting an error and i am not sure where i am going wrong.
here is the code
#tweets <- data.frame(read.csv("tweets.csv"))
#tweets <- read_csv("F:/SKRIPSI/EKSTRAKSI FITUR/AFINN/05a_stemming_3000c.csv",
# col_types = cols(label = col_character(),
# text = col_character()))
#df1 <- tweets$text
tweets <- data.frame(read.csv("F:/SKRIPSI/EKSTRAKSI FITUR/AFINN/05a_stemming_3000c.csv"))
dtm.control <- list(
tolower = TRUE,
removePunctuation = TRUE,
removeNumbers = TRUE,
# stopwords = stopwords("english"),
# stemming = FALSE,
wordLengths = c(2,"inf")
corpboston <- Corpus(VectorSource(tweets$text)) <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpboston, control = dtm.control)
afinn_list <- read.delim(file = "afinn-indo.txt", header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(afinn_list) <- c("word", "score")
afinn_list$word <- tolower(afinn_list$word)
sentiment <- function(afinn_list, tweets) {
tweet.sent <- mat.or.vec(nrow(tweets), 2)
colnames(tweet.sent) <- c('text', 'label')
word.frequency <- vector('list', nrow(tweets))
for(f in 1:nrow(tweets))
tweet.sent[f, 1] <- tweets$text[f]
tweet.sent[f, 1] <- tweets$label[f]
corpboston <- Corpus(VectorSource(tweets$text[f])) <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpboston, control = dtm.control)
TermFreq <- data.frame(findFreqTerms(,$v)
word.frequency[[f]] <- data.frame(findFreqTerms(,$v)
sentwords <- intersect(findFreqTerms(, afinn_list[,1])
sentwords.index <- match(sentwords, afinn_list[,1])
if(length(sentwords.index) > 0)
sentwords.score <- affin_list[sentwords.index,2]
sentwords.freq <- TermFreq[match(sentwords,TermFreq[,1]),2]
tweet.sent[f,3] <- sum(sentwords.score*sentwords.freq)
TweetSent <- data.frame(sentiment(affin_list, tweets))
the error is
Error in as.vector(y) : object 'affin_list' not found
Called from: as.vector(y)
Error during wrapup: unimplemented type (29) in 'eval'
Error: no more error handlers available (recursive errors?); invoking 'abort' restart
Error during wrapup: INTEGER() can only be applied to a 'integer', not a 'unknown type #29'
Error: no more error handlers available (recursive errors?); invoking 'abort' restart
i hope everyone can help, thankyou in advance!