Some of the plotly stuff needs to be cleaned up, though that really doesn't matter here. I already have an app that's similar to this, but only has one geography. Ideally I'll have 10 in total, which means 10 datasets. I was thinking it would be easier to create a dataset for each indicator rather than each geography, since I won't be using all the indicators from all the datasets. This code only has one indicator, so if what I'm trying to do is possible, there would be a plot for each indicator. I really hope this is making sense!
HTML('header {background: #089AD1; min-width: 550px;}
h1 {min-width: 550px !important;}
h3 {min-width: 500px !important;}
#sidebar {min-width: 550px !important;}
#mainpanel {min-width: 550px !important;}
#groupbars {min-width: 550px !important;}
sidebarPanel(id = "sidebar",
selectInput("var", label = "Select an Indicator:",
choices = list("Demographics" = c("Housing Status", "Sex", "Race", "Sexual Orientation"))),
selectInput("geo", label = "Select First Geography:",
choices = list("Cities" = c("", "New York City"),
"States" = c("Connecticut", "Maryland")), selected = "New York City"),
selectInput("geo2", label = "Select Second Geography:",
choices = list("Cities" = c("", "New York City"),
"States" = c("Connecticut", "Maryland")), selected = "Connecticut"),
width = 12),
mainPanel(id = "mainpanel",
fluidRow(h3("blah blah blah"), align = "center",
column(6, align = "center",
column(6, align = "center",
h4("Data Table"),
downloadButton("DownloadPieData", "Download Table"),
br(), br(),
h3("Outcomes by Type of Homelessness"),
br(), br(),
plotlyOutput("groupbars", height = 500),
h4("Data Table"),
downloadButton("DownloadBarData", "Download Table"),
br(), br())),
width = 12)
function(input, output) {
output$image1 <- renderImage({
list(src = "www/image1.png",
contentType = "image/png"
}, deleteFile = FALSE)
output$hmlpie1 <- renderPlotly({
data <- switch(input$geo,
"New York City" = hml[hml$Geography=="NYC", ], "Connecticut" = hml[hml$Geography=="CT", ],
"Maryland" = hml[hml$Geography=="MD", ])
plot_ly(data, labels = ~HousingStatus, values = ~Value,
type = "pie", hole = 0.4, textinfo = "label+percent", hoverinfo = "label+percent", insidetextfont = list(color = "#FFFFFF"),
marker = list(colors = c("#FED90B", "#EA361C", "#ACDEFA", "#0A56A2")),
showlegend = F, sort = F) %>%
layout(margin = list(l = 40, r = 40), title = FALSE,
xaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE),
yaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE),
autosize = F, width = 370, height = 430) %>%
add_annotations(text = paste(input$var), showarrow = F, x = 0.5, y = 1.07, xref = "paper", yref = "paper",
font = list(size = 18))
output$hmlpie2 <- renderPlotly({
data <- switch(input$geo2,
"New York City" = hml[hml$Geography=="NYC", ], "Connecticut" = hml[hml$Geography=="CT", ],
"Maryland" = hml[hml$Geography=="MD", ])
plot_ly(data, labels = ~HousingStatus, values = ~Value,
type = "pie", hole = 0.4, textinfo = "label+percent", hoverinfo = "label+percent", insidetextfont = list(color = "#FFFFFF"),
marker = list(colors = c("#FED90B", "#EA361C", "#ACDEFA", "#0A56A2")),
showlegend = F, sort = F) %>%
layout(margin = list(l = 40, r = 40), title = FALSE,
xaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE),
yaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE),
autosize = F, width = 370, height = 430) %>%
add_annotations(text = paste(input$var), showarrow = F, x = 0.5, y = 1.07, xref = "paper", yref = "paper",
font = list(size = 18))