Hi, I am trying to securely connect to my Rstudio server via https located at https://srv1.stats-con.com:8787, however, I get this error on Firefox:
Secure Connection Failed
Connection via http works connecting to Rstudio (unsecure).
Connection via https://srv1.stats-con.com works, too, connecting to OPAL server (secure).
How do I have to configure my RStudio, NGINX, certificates (certbot, Lets encrypt)?
In your case you have to lookout for the additional OPAL server listening to the default HTTPS port 443 on your server. This has two consequences:
You already have a SSL certificate for your server, and OPAL is not the only software that can make use of that. So you could also just configure NGINX to use the certificate you already have.
Only a single program can listen to port 443. At the moment this is OPAL, so NGINX will have to listen on some other port, e.g. 8443. Alternatively you could have NGINX listen on port 443 and serve both RStudio Server and OPAL on different paths.
That looks good in principle. On which port does the NGINX listen? Can you connect to that port with HTTPS? Do you see the login screen from RStudioServer?