scraping website for all product codes but code only returning code from page 1

when attempting to scrape site for nodes across all pages my code only returns nodes from the first page? what am i doing wrong?


Function to extract product names from a page

get_product_names <- function(page_number) {
current_page_url <- paste0("Popular Standards | Standards Australia Store", page_number)

page <- read_html(current_page_url)

product_code_nodes <- page %>%

synopsis_nodes <- page %>%
short_title_nodes <- page %>%
publication_date_nodes <- page %>%

product_code <- product_code_nodes %>% html_text()

synopsis <- synopsis_nodes %>% html_text()
short_title <- short_title_nodes %>% html_text()
publication_date <- publication_date_nodes %>% html_text()

product_data <- data.frame(
Product_Code = product_code,

                         Synopsis = synopsis,
                         Short_Title = short_title,
                         Publication_Date = publication_date)


Fetch and process data from page 2

all_product_data <- get_product_names(2)

Print the extracted data


Save the results to an Excel file

if (nrow(all_product_data) > 0) {
writexl::write_xlsx(all_product_data, "Standards_Australia_Store62.xlsx")
} else {
cat("No data to save.\n")

You might want to focus on the network tab of your browser's developer tools, from there you can track down the request that returns actual dataset as a JSON:

url_ <- ""
parsed_json_response <- jsonlite::fromJSON(url_)
publication <- parsed_json_response$pageProps$products$publication 
#> # A tibble: 955 × 9
#>    title   docType publishDate synopsis designation designationUrl status sector
#>    <chr>   <chr>   <chr>       <chr>    <chr>       <chr>          <chr>  <chr> 
#>  1 Electr… Standa… 26-Jun-2018 "AS NZS… AS/NZS 300… as-nzs-3000-2… Curre… Const…
#>  2 Design… Standa… 18-Jun-2021 "Specif… AS 1428.1:… as-1428-1-2021 Curre… Const…
#>  3 Electr… Amendm… 30-Apr-2021 ""       AS/NZS 300… as-nzs-3000-2… Curre… Const…
#>  4 Reside… Standa… 25-Jun-2021 "This S… AS 1684.2:… as-1684-2-2021 Curre… Const…
#>  5 Instal… Standa… 19-Nov-2021 "AS/NZS… AS/NZS 503… as-nzs-5033-2… Curre… Const…
#>  6 Risk m… Standa… 30-Oct-2018 "AS ISO… AS ISO 310… as-iso-31000-… Curre… Profe…
#>  7 Electr… Amendm… 19-May-2023 "This A… AS/NZS 300… as-nzs-3000-2… Curre… Const…
#>  8 Workfo… Standa… 04-Mar-2022 "This d… AS 4811:20… as-4811-2022   Curre… Profe…
#>  9 Waterp… Standa… 23-Jul-2021 "Sets o… AS 3740:20… as-3740-2021   Curre… Const…
#> 10 Water … Standa… 06-Apr-2016 "​Specif… AS/NZS 640… as-nzs-6400-2… Curre… Manuf…
#> # ℹ 945 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: sdo <chr>
#> Rows: 955
#> Columns: 9
#> $ title          <chr> "Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New …
#> $ docType        <chr> "Standard", "Standard", "Amendment", "Standard", "Stand…
#> $ publishDate    <chr> "26-Jun-2018", "18-Jun-2021", "30-Apr-2021", "25-Jun-20…
#> $ synopsis       <chr> "AS NZS 3000 2018 (known as the Australian/New Zealand …
#> $ designation    <chr> "AS/NZS 3000:2018", "AS 1428.1:2021", "AS/NZS 3000:2018…
#> $ designationUrl <chr> "as-nzs-3000-2018", "as-1428-1-2021", "as-nzs-3000-2018…
#> $ status         <chr> "Current", "Current", "Current", "Current", "Current", …
#> $ sector         <chr> "Construction", "Construction", "Construction", "Constr…
#> $ sdo            <chr> "SA/SNZ", "SA", "SA/SNZ", "SA", "SA/SNZ", "SA", "SA/SNZ…

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