School Report, result of SEA+ assessment - 2020 Shiny Contest Submission

School Report, result of SEA+ assessment

Authors: Diego Forteza
Working with Shiny more than 1 year

Abstract: With the advances of ICTs in the educational systems, new lines of research and evaluation are opened, promoting new perspectives on quality education. Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) is an effective method of identifying the level of student performance and, from there, developing actions that tend to provide opportunities for all children. SEA + is a CAT based on Uruguayan Schools blue prints. This shiny app gives back to schools the information from their results in SEA + evaluation.

Full Description: The objective of the app is to provide feedback to schools based on the SEA + results. And consequently, with the objective of the evaluation, contribute to determine the level of knowledge acquired by each student and from this, promote among teachers and different actors, the reflection and analysis of the results that lead to rethinking mechanisms of accompaniment the different educational trajectories.

The data shown in it has been completely anonymized, in the event of a definitive implementation, an authentication method must be included for admission and students from each center will be appropriately identified.

The home page corresponds to an introduction to SEA + in which, among other things, some of the characteristics of Computerized Adaptive Tests (CAT) are specified. It also contains a small guide for navigating the app, so for more details please navigate it.

Sorry about the Spanish legends in charts and tables, didn’t have the time to completely translate it. There is also a deployment completely in Spanish available at:

The app isn’t hosted in RStudio Cloud project because I never use it before, I’m looking forward to use it soon.

Category: Education
Keywords: Student Assessment, School Report, Computerized Adaptive Testing
Shiny app:
RStudio Cloud: not required


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