saving flextable object in excel sheets

so i have many flextable objects in r script. now the objective is to save those objects in different sheets of excel.

i want to add one parameter in function like list1,list2... and at the end want to add the flex table object into that list.


fun1 <- function(lst1,data, mv1, ov1) {
  ft <- flextable(data)
  row <- reformulate(paste(mv1, "> 20"))
  col <- reformulate(ov1)
  color(ft, i = row, j = col, color = "blue")
lst1 <- lst1[length(lst1)+1]

ft <- fun1(head(mtcars), "mpg", "gear")

seems like you are trying to do this


fun1 <- function(lst1,data, mv1, ov1) {
  ft <- flextable(data)
  row <- reformulate(paste(mv1, "> 20"))
  col <- reformulate(ov1)
  ft <- color(ft, i = row, j = col, color = "blue")

  lst1[length(lst1)+1]  <- list(ft)

ft <- fun1(list(),head(mtcars), "mpg", "gear")
ft <- fun1(ft,head(iris)*4, "Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width")

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