Hello Shiny community!
I'm working on a large Shiny application. We are currently using Shiny's "server-side" bookmarks, but we want to save bookmarks in a database (Snowflake) to store additional information like username, bookmark description, created date, etc.
I have an implementation of "database" bookmarks working. When restoring the application state using Shiny's "server-side" bookmarking implementation, the bookmarked state is loaded first. In my implementation, the application will load its "default" state before updating all the inputs with the state fetched from the database. Ideally, the application would initially load with the state retrieved from the database.
I've included a simple example of "database" bookmarking with SQLite below (also available here: https://github.com/byollin/database-bookmarking). How might I change my code to make the Shiny application seamlessly load from a database, i.e., load the bookmarked state first instead of loading the "default" state, then the bookmarked state?
# create/connect to database
conn = dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), 'bookmarks.sqlite')
ui = fluidPage(
titlePanel('An app with lots of inputs'),
dateRangeInput('date_range_input', label = 'Date range input'),
pickerInput('picker_input', label = 'Picker input',
choices = LETTERS, multiple = TRUE,
options = pickerOptions(actionsBox = TRUE, liveSearch = TRUE, size = 5)),
prettyCheckboxGroup('checkbox_group_input', label = 'Checkbox group input',
choices = c('Apple', 'Orange', 'Banana', 'Pear'),
selected = c('Apple', 'Pear'), inline = TRUE),
prettyRadioButtons('radio_buttons_input', label = 'Radio buttons input',
choices = c('Cat', 'Dog', 'Fish', 'Rock'),
selected = c('Rock'), inline = TRUE),
actionLink('bookmark', 'Bookmark application', icon = icon('share-alt'))
server = function(input, output, session) {
# print current input values
output$values = renderPrint({
cat('date_range_input : ', paste0(input$date_range_input, collapse = ', '),
'\npicker_input : ', paste0(input$picker_input, collapse = ', '),
'\ncheckbox_group_input : ', paste0(input$checkbox_group_input, collapse = ', '),
'\nradio_buttons_input : ', input$radio_buttons_input, sep = '')
observeEvent(input$bookmark, {
# snapshot application state
snapshot_state = reactiveValuesToList(input)
# only bookmark inputs
snapshot_state = snapshot_state[stringr::str_detect(names(snapshot_state), '_input')]
# add the current system time to get a unique hash
snapshot_state[['time']] = Sys.time()
# create a state id
state_id = digest::digest(snapshot_state)
# create a row to add to the database table
bookmark_row = tibble::tibble(
'STATE_ID' = state_id,
'STATE_DATA' = jsonlite::toJSON(snapshot_state),
'CREATED_AT' = Sys.time()
# write row to database table
dbWriteTable(conn, 'bookmarks', bookmark_row, append = TRUE)
# update the query string for the user
updateQueryString(paste0('?bookmark=', state_id), mode = 'push')
observeEvent(getQueryString(), once = TRUE, {
# get query string
hash = getQueryString()
if(length(hash) > 0) {
# get bookmark from database table
bookmark = dbGetQuery(conn, paste0("select state_data from bookmarks where state_id = '", hash$bookmark, "'"))
# simulate average query time
# coerce JSON to R list
bookmark_list = jsonlite::fromJSON(bookmark$STATE_DATA)
for(id in names(bookmark_list)) {
value = bookmark_list[[id]]
if(length(value) == 0) {
html_value = ''
} else {
html_value = value
# update inputs in UI
session$sendInputMessage(id, list(value = html_value))
# disconnect from database on session ended
session$onEnded(function() {
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)