Saving a timeline plot gets distorted


I'm trying to save a plot made with the timelineS package. Unfortunately there is very limited documentation on this package. Labels are overlapped in RStudio plotting area, but the plot is correct with the zoom function. It is also distorted when saving with ggsave.

Any advice on the better way to save it?

timeline1 <- timelineS(timeline,
                       main = NA,
                       xlab = NA, 
                       buffer.days = 30,
                       line.width = 3,
                       line.color = "gray44",
                       scale = "month",
                       scale.format = "%m",
                       scale.font = 1,
                       scale.orient = 1,
                       scale.above = FALSE, 
                       label.direction = "updown",
                       label.length = c(0.3, 0.5, 0.7),
                       label.position = c(3,2,2,3,2,3,4,2,3,4,4),
                       point.color = "#CC9933")
#> Error in timelineS(timeline, main = NA, xlab = NA, buffer.days = 30, line.width = 3, : could not find function "timelineS"

Created on 2021-12-04 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

This is probably not the best solution, but it worked. Instead of saving I was able to export the plot in .pdf format setting A4 landscape as options.

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