i have a ~400gb .sas7bdat file i would like to convert to a .parquet file for easier work in R. problem is that i really don't have the storage to be reading in a 400gb .sas7dat file to convert using the arrow::write_parquet() function.
I tried just writing the file using the path to the sas7bdat file but I don't think I can do that if the sas file is not read into my R env.
Yes, the function write_parquet() has a first argument which needs to be a data.frame, RecordBatch, or Table. In your example paste0(D, 'file.sas7bdat') is simply a character string. You'd need to do something like this:
Agreed, was just going to add if you don't need all the columns, you can use col_select to limit which columns are read in. Using microbenchmark(), this is generally a much faster method. If you don't know the names of columns, read in just a few rows to learn.